Chapter 53: Parker!!!

Start from the beginning

Peter said he was going to take you out for "coffee" to catch up but before you could leave you could all hear, "PARKER!!!" and it made you literally jump, with you landing in Parker's arms Scooby Doo style. You of course apologized repeatedly as Peter put you down, taking a minute to calm yourself, where Peter whispered for you to meet him on the roof of the building next door, the tall green one specifically. "Alright, Pete, we'll catch up later, I'll see you tonight at Aunt May's, later", you say, waving goodbye and heading for the elevator, quickly getting out of there as somehow, Mr.Jameson scared you more than Dracula ever did. So you quickly left the Daily Bugle, heading to a nearby alley, checking to make sure no one was looking your way before flying up as quickly as possible, heading over to where this Peter told you to go. You sat there for close to thirty minutes, but you spent that time going through all of your photos and videos, the ones you recovered from your old phone, trying not to cry as you worried you'd never see them again. 

Despite no one being able to see them, your Antennae perked up as you feel another person approaching, turning back to see Spiderman so you quickly got up and came over to speak with him. Before you could explain, Peter asks you who you were, not appreciating you threatening his Aunt like that and at his accusation, you started to panic a little, saying that wasn't your intention at all. "I'm sorry, it's not like that, I just..." you start to tear up a little, taking a few deep breaths before trying to continue, "I'm sorry, Spidey, but we're friends, at least in my universe we are and I didn't know who else to go to". Spiderman said that he had no way to know if what you were saying was true or not and you panicked, trying to think of a way and eventually you show him some of the pictures and videos on your phone. "Please, believe me, I don't want to cause trouble, I got stuck here by accident, and I just want to go home," you continue to plead for his help, asking him if he knew Dr.Strange, or if this universe even had a Sorcerer Supreme you could talk to. You knew Spiderman couldn't get you home but hopefully, he knew a hero who did, giving him a brief description of the Doctor, with the Wallcrawler knowing roughly who you were talking about. 

But apparently, this Spiderman couldn't really help you, he was a solo act who didn't really get involved with the other heroes too often, not knowing where Dr.Strange lived. Your heart sank a little but you perked back up when Peter told you he'd take you to the Avengers Mansion, saying they probably knew where to find the Sorcerer Supreme. "Oh my God, thank you, thank you so much Spidey! Or um... Spiderman as we don't technically know each other", you cheerfully say about to hug him halfway through when you realize that he wasn't your Peter Parker. You apologized, taking a step back before asking him to lead the way just as an explosion went off in the distance and Spiderman told you that the Avengers would have to wait before swinging off to save the day. You ran over to the edge, about to call out that you could help him when you heard something coming from the opposite direction, turning to see another explosion in the distance. "Pharaoh, I know this isn't our universe, but we still got to help, are you in bud?" you ask, with your Wolf immediately growing to full size and you disable your Image Inducer, putting it away before heading off to save the day.  

You arrive on the scene, it was the docks and despite being in an entirely different universe, everyone you recognized so far as roughly looked the same, including these villains. It was the Wrecking Crew, a team of super strength criminals that usually tangle with the Thunderer so you knew they were bad news, and it was four on one, or I guess four on two as Pharaoh insisted on fighting with you. However, after discovering who was attacking, you weren't sure if you wanted your Wolf involved, you knew he was powerful but so were these guys. But you didn't have time to ask Pharaoh to sit out as Thunderball had some kind of fancy-looking gun, about to fire it at the Paramedics and Police that were there, so you had to act quickly. You tell Pharaoh to sneak around and get the gun before you flew down just as the villain fired, but you still managed to block the attack, summoning a shield at the last possible moment. The smoke from the blast hitting your shield disperses and you've revealed yourself to the public as Police and Paramedics who took cover and or braced for impact looked up to see some butterfly-moth lady protecting them.  

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