"You not feeling good? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Don't worry about it." I sucked my teeth and started walking away.

"What you mean don't worry bout it! You carrying my child so I need to know this shit!" He blocked the doorway.

"I'm just have stomach pains! It's nothing." I shrugged.

"Babe why didn't you tell me..have you told the doctor?"

"Yes..he gave me some pills to take.." He nodded."Wait why the hell am I even talking to you!!" I shook my head and started to walk away

"It's because you loovveeee me..." He held my waist and stared in my eyes. "I'm sorry..I fucked up and I swear it won't ever happen again." He placed his head against mine and smiled.

I stared into his eyes for a few seconds and sighed...I knew I wouldn't stay mad at him long.. After rolling my eyes, a smile came across my face.

"I love you too.." I smiled

He hugged me and I hugged him..I know I wasn't suppose to forgive him this quickly but..I love him. I just can't help it!. He reached in his pocket pulling out a black box and handing it too me. I opened it, finding a diamond necklace inside. It was really beautiful.

"Odell this is beautiful." I stared at it amazed.

"You knew you would like it..." He took the necklace from my hands and placed it around my neck.

"I'm sorry...I swear I'll never do anything like that to you again, I put that on everything." He held my hands.

"Okay...I believe you." I smiled at him.

"If the video starts to take long than you thought then just call me and I'll come get the girls." He said gathering his duffle bag.

I nodded my head and went back to getting ready..he gave me one last kiss and told me he loved me before heading out to practice. When the girls got back from walking Tzar I gave them sometime to get ready too. When Hailey was dressed I sat her down on my lap to do her hair. Her hair was long and curly ...she had hair like Odell, his shit might look nappy but trust me it's not!

"Umm...I want a big bun!!" She said smiling

"Okay I can do that Babygirl."

After putting Hailey's hair into a bun Kayla had already finished her hair and it looked really good, she should do cosmetology.

"My aunt said she'd be here tonight to get me." Kayla said putting her seatbelt on.

"You're leaving !?!?" Hailey said in shock.

"Yeah, I'm moving in with my aunt." Kayla replied.

"Why everybody leaving me..." Hailey put her head down.

"I'm not leaving you LeLe..I'll always come visit."

"That's nothing! You're still leaving me.."

"....you want me to stay?" Kayla asked.

"Yes ..you're my big sister." Hailey replied.

"Okay, If it's okay with Danielle and Odell then I'll stay." Kayla smiled at her.

"YAY!!!!!!!." Hailey yelled

She was the happiest little girl I had ever seen. She was never frowning unless something didn't go her way. We found out that Odell's first game is a Home game against the Dallas Cowboys (THEY SUCK MAJOR ASS BY THE WAY!) Hailey really wants to go and I was gonna go anyway. When we pulled up to the video shoot, Hailey held onto to my hand.

Love Don't Change..Odell Beckham JrWhere stories live. Discover now