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(riki and robyn live by themselves at this point, also sorry for all the time skips )

I'm awoken by feeling pecks all over my face, neck, collarbones, and my jaw. I slightly open my eyes, seeing someone in a white tee with his arms wrapped around me. He's laying on top of me, his light kisses tickling me, causing a small giggle to escape from my lips, alerting him that I have finally awaken.

"Good morning Love, happy five year anniversary." he says, the widest smile on his face.

"Morning Bubs, happy anniversary to you too." I say, stretching my arms above me and letting out a yawn. He gets out of bed, holding on to my hands and gently pulling me with him out of bed. I let out a light groan before hitting his chest, we embrace each other, swaying a little. No words left our lips, the room was silent. He spins me around, dipping me, before pulling me back up and we share a soft kiss. He still has my right hand in his, bringing it up to his lips and planting a kiss on it.

"I have a surprise for you today Love, but in order to get it you have to spend all day with me." he states, looking to see what my answer is.

"Even if there wasn't a surprise involved, I'd still want to spend the whole day with you." I giggily respond, a small smile appearing on both our faces. We make a quick breakfast, sitting on the couch before seeing little flakes outside. It was winter, my favourite season, the snow is so unexpectedly calming. It reminds me of the person beside me. I noticed the slightest bit of panic present in his eyes before he swears under his breath, bringing out his phone and checking the weather.

"What's wrong Bubs?" I ask, looking at him in worry. He eyes continue looking down at his phone and his lips purse. I bring my hand to the bottom of his jaw, making him look at me.

"All I need is you. You make me happiest. I don't need anything fancy today Bubs. Don't stress it." I say, smiling at him.

"Well that's good because our reservations got canceled due to the weather." he comments, his hands running through his hair. I look back outside through our big windows, which were requested by me for this very reason.

"Love?" I hear Riki gently call from behind me, I turn around to face him, the hot cocoa in my hand almost gone.

"Do you want to play in the snow?" he suggests, a small grin on his face.

"I'll go get my jacket." I say excitedly, chugging the rest of my hot cocoa before sprinting up to Riki and I's bedroom.

I stand in the walk in closet, looking around specifically for our coats that we usually use when we play in the snow. I do a few little jumps in excitement, grabbing the coats and turning towards the doorway, to see Riki adoring me with sparkly eyes and the biggest, cutest smile. He lets out a small chuckle before taking his jacket out of my hands. He throws it over his arm, his hands going to my cheeks, our foreheads connecting.

"God damn you're cute." he quickly states, pecking my lips and leaving me in the closet, (lol i came out gworl-) stunned from his actions. I finally manage to find at least one working braincell, and walk out.

I quickly get ready to play in the snow, posing for Riki when i'm done.

"How do I look ?" I ask, doing another stupid pose as he chuckles.

"Beautiful as always." he responds, a small smirk-like smile on his face.

"LETS GOOOO!" I yell, excited to be finally getting out in the snow, running into our backyard. I thought I heard something near the edge of the fence and I waddle over to see what it is.

"BOO !!" Jay yells as he pops out to scare me, I fall to the ground as I let out a yelp of shock, going into a backwards roll and standing up, the rest of the members laughing behind him.

"That wasn't very pop swaggy, big bro." I dramatically comment, putting up my hand towards him. The guys laugh at my behaviour before jay apologises. He didn't mean it, it was too funny. We give each other hugs, ready to play in the snow.

"So remind me again why only Riki and I are on a team while the six of you are on the other team?" I ask, fully knowing they just want to win the snowball fight.

"It's a test, we want to know what power love truly holds." Sunghoon responds, putting air quotes around the word love. Before I could protest, Riki drags me to our side to quickly build our shield and start on making snowballs to throw, muttering a "fair enough" under his breathe. THIS KID-

The battle starts, going pretty decently at first.

At. First.

Then Riki decides to miss about twenty times, leading us to begin getting pelted with six snowballs at once. He picks me up bridal style, sprinting away. We get to the side of the house and he sets me down. I hear the guys' yells of joy, due to us forfeiting. I turn to the sound of the others, trying to get a glimpse of their celebration, then turn back to Riki, just to see him on one knee, a box open with a ring inside.

"I would give a whole speech but I'm really out of breath, I wrote it down and memorised it though, you can read it when we get inside of you want." he says, a light chuckle escaping from his lips as he looks at me, my mouth hanging open in shock.

"But, moving on, marry me?" he asks, tilting his head, looking at me with beautiful eyes filled with hope. I com eback to reality before shouting.

"YES. OF COURSE I'LL FUCKING MARRY YOU." I yell, he quickly takes the glove off my hand, putting the ring on my finger. He fully stands up and we kiss. I hear a loud roar of cheers from behind us, knowing damn well who it is. We put our foreheads together, looking into each other's eyes, afterwards looking at the guys.

"So, uh, she said yes." Riki says, arm resting around my waist, both of our smiles bright.

"Yeah I heard, could've done without the swearing, Robyn." Jay says, putting his hand up like i did earlier.

"Not as good as Robyn's." Heeseung comments, laughing erupting from all of us laughing except Jay, who wore a pout.

"Don't frown, you'll get wrinkles like a caterpillar, old man." Jake advises, patting him on the back. (IF YOU KNOW WHERE THE CATERPILLAR THING IS FROM ILY <3)

After a few more jokes, the sun(oo) was actually beginning to set. None of us had realised we'd been outside for hours. Riki and I invite the guys inside, and we all order food and talk about random things before the guys head home. Once they leave I hop in the shower, everything hitting me at that moment.


hope you guys liked it !! this book is ending soon, next chapter is the wedding, then it'll be your life after it.

song of the update:

blockbuster ft yeonjun :]

have a great day !!

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