Jennie stopped walking, Nini bumped into her legs.

"You are right." Jennie grinned. "I need to teach my girlfriend a lesson."

While Jennie and Nini were plotting their plan, Jisoo and Turtle went window shopping.

"Turtle, do you think this would look good on Jennie?" Jisoo pointed to a necklace in a glass cabinet.

"She can pull anything off." Turtle shrugged, hopping on the cabinet. "But she won't forgive you with that. You still don't understand what you did wrong."

"So you agree with her? Aren't you supposed to be on my side?" Jisoo accused, staring at him.

"Just try to imagine it with your roles switched. You ask Jennie if you can go on a date, she tells you no, because she has to to work. Then you see her in the park, sitting with some dude and caressing his face-"

"First of all, I didn't want to lie to her. I did it because I wanted to prepare our anniversary without her knowing... And I only asked Heejin to come with me because she has a similar taste as Jennie and could help me..." Jisoo mumbled in weak defense.

"And the touching?"

"You know I was only helping her wipe her nose because it was windy and she kept letting go of the handkerchief..."

"Now imagine it was the other way around."

Jisoo tried to imagine it. What she saw in her mind was her innocently going through the park with Turtle and then she sees Jennie on a bench, taking care of Jongin (an annoying guy from the gym Jennie goes to) and wiping his nose-

"Okay, I get it. I'd hate that. It was my fault." Jisoo groaned and slammed the heel of her palm against her forehead.

"Right. Also, there is another important point we are not considering. Jennie is angry for one more reason. She thinks you forgot your anniversary." Turtle reminded.

"But I didn't. I'm just waiting until It's night and the carriage stops in front of her door." Jisoo rebutted.

"Again, she doesn't know that!" Turtle made a big leap and landed on Jisoo's head to give her a few light smacks with his soft hands.

"I'm going to tell her." Jisoo nodded her head and shook the rabbit off. Then she called her girlfriend who unsurprisingly didn't pick up.

However, to her surprise, she texted her right away. She informed Jisoo about the fact that she was at the park.

Jisoo grinned and quickly bolted towards her destination. She was quick on her feet and assumed her girlfriend wasn't mad anymore, perhaps she is now in a state to maturely talk with her. Then Jisoo will apologise.

When she arrived, she realised she was wrong. Jennie was still fuming.

Jisoo froze once she saw her girlfriend at the exact spot she caught her yesterday with Heejin. On the bench in front of the waterspout fountain.

And she wasn't alone either. She was with Jongin and he was leaning his head on her shoulder.

Jisoo clenched her fists and marched forward. Turtle jumped on her face and told her to calm down but it didn't work. Jisoo was jealous and angry. Eventually Turtle let go and dropped down. He also became angry.

His eyes flickered underneath the bench and there she could see Nini. Sitting with Jongin's familiar, which looked like a mix of brown bear and hound. She didn't even hiss at his familiar nor bite him! That's not fair! Normally she never tolerates the presence of familiars she doesn't know.

"Let's go." Turtle patted Jisoo's legs.

Jisoo nodded her head. "I got your back if you got mine."

"You can count on me." Turtle saluted.

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