"I never tortured anyone. " Dream responds coldly. Quackitys eyes narrow.

"We both know that's not true. But believe it or not, I'm not here for you today." Quackity dourly hisses. He dawns his armor and produces a sword, which he then uses to strike the bell. The blade jumps up in a frantic frenzy, then realizes he's facing the wrong way and slowly turns his head. If he weren't trapped and weaponless, it would be quite menicing. But he was trapped and, for the most part, weaponless. Hungry. Tired. Disoriented. So it was more funny than anything.

"Technoblade, the legend, the man himself. Good to see you again." Quackity proclaims with wide arms. His voice has false cheer at the beginning, but by the time he gets to the last sentence, it is dripping with hatred.

"Yooo Quackity! How was that dentist's appointment? " Techno asks, a gleam in his eye. Dream suddenly found himself very uncomfortable in the tension and inched away to sit in his sink.

"Funny you should ask. I was thinking of returning the favor,  Techno. You and I could get matching scars!"

Quackity laughs, and despite his cool demeanor, the piglin hybrid was filled with dread. Could he beat a fully armored and armed foe with a raw potato? Maybe. But Sam would surely step in, and that reduces his odds to next to none. His only chance would be to knock Quackity into the lava. But that's also out of the question.

"Ehh. I kinda got this symentrical appeal going on. I'll pass." Techno shrugs, hiding the fear as the situation  becomes more perilous every second, and the voices scream louder.

Quackity says nothing, and the two stare each other down, both evaluating the circumstance. You could cut the tension with a knife.

"You know why I put you in here, right?" Quackity asks menacingly after an agonizing wait.

"What? That was you?! Man, it looked and sounded just like sam. Crazy." Comes the finned surprised response.

Technoblade then finds himself on the ground with a trident sticking out of his shoulder. He barely lets out a hiss of pain.

"TAKE. ME. SERIOUSLY!" Quackity screams, enraged. Technoblade groans, and quackity removes the weapon, but he still sits up and rolls his shoulder a bit.

"Hey, that kinda hurt. " He wines mockingly. But Quackity saw the flash of fear in the warriors' eyes and grins a wicked smile in triumph.

"You're here because you're a problem. A wildcard. An uncounted card in the deck. A nuisance. By yourself,  you're a thorn in anyones side. But you manage to make friends and allys that prove to be as hard to kill as you. Flames of defiance pop up everywhere you go, and I'm tired of snuffing them out." Quackity comes dangerously close, wielding the bloodied trident. He expects fear but meats rage.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO PHIL?" The blade demands. He grabs the younger one by the collar and shoves him against the wall, pulling the trident from his hands, and now Technoblade is holding a very sharp and bloody glorified spear to Quackitys neck.

Sam across the moat spits his coffee and drops the cup. He quickly pearls over, fearing for his life. Even with two of them in full netherite,  someone could die here.

"INNATE 002, PUT DOWN THE TRIDENT!" He says in his most authoritative voice. No one moves. Quackity begins to laugh.

"Philza? He's fine! I assumed after the whole him selling you out thing that he and you wouldn't be on good terms." Quackity chokes out. Soft crying can be heard from the sink where dream is sitting, overcome by the tension.

Sensing no lies, Technoblade drops first Quackity and then the trident. As much as he'd love to keep it, he was already injured and didn't like his odds here.

Dream watched silently as Techno took the beating to follow. The second he was on the brink of death, they would hit him with a potion of healing. The amount of blood on the floor made is stink, as did the smell of burnt flesh from them forcing his arms in the lava.

He started out strong. He barely even gave them the pleasure of tears. But by the time it was done, he had cried and sobbed. But they couldn't break him. They asked questions. Simple ones, really. Where's the book? Who might come to rescue them? What were his allegiances? Where was his secret base? Even questions as easy as how many dogs does he have. He said nothing. Sam pearled away after a short time and left Quackity to his maniacal ideas.

At one point, he had techno pinned to a wall with a sword, barely conscious. And he looked directly at dream.

"I'd kill him. I really would. I'd rather not have to deal with getting him back in here. But if you don't tell me, he dies, and you're next." Quackitys words bore a hole into dreams chest. In all honesty, he considers it. But knows the books all that is keeping him alive at this point.

"Like I care. He just eats all the potatoes and rings that bell. Be my guest." Dream offhandly yawns. Quackity isn't fooled but pulls the blade from the blade and steps back. The pigling hybrid collapses to the floor, and Quackity casually drops a pink potion bottle on top of him. It breaks open, leaving more glass on the floor

Technoblades wounds sloppily close up, and his breathing almost returns to normal.

"An unproductive day. I don't think you and I even have time to play, Dream. I have a nation to run. We'll talk next time. " and with that, he signals for the bridge to move across as the netherite wall moves up. Dream moves to the edge and watches. Does he dare? Yes.

He punches Quackity in the back, and the human is knocked off the edge with a cry of alarm. He soon bobs to the surface, an empty bottle in hand.

"That was a stupid move, Dream. We'll discuss it next time. And tell your friend I'll be paying Philza a visit." Quackity snarls, and just like that, the wall of lava has fallen again, and the two roommates are alone.

Once the most powerful in the land, now lonely together with nothing but the hope of freedom in one of two ways. Through escape or through death. They should really beware what they wish for.

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