VI: Grape's demise

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Although he hoped that this would be the last of strange events to happen tonight, something in Bakura's gut told him that the night's peculiarity was only just beginning.

Slowly, keeping his head half-ducked against the ebbing downpour of the rain, Izuku crouched on the metal fire escape that led up to Grape's room. He'd managed to move around to the side of the building and jump up to the first flight, working his way up. Now all he had to do was wait.

He closed his eyes and connected his mind with that of the crow - it had flown up to the open window to see Grape and Mitsuki laying on his bed, he helping her shoot a syringe into her arm while promising her, "Tomorrow night, we can get high and watch the whole fuckin' city burn through that window."

Taking each rung one at a time before reaching the balcony underneath the window, Izuku began to sing under his breath.

"It's a Raymond Chandler evening, and the pavements are all wet...and I'm lurking in the shadows because it hasn't happened. Yet."

He closed his eyes to see through those of the crow again. Just as Grape had finished talking and turning to Mitsuki, spreading hot kisses down her neck to the plunging neckline of her lingerie, the crow had flown into the room to mount on a dresser next to the wall. It looked over at them, and it wasn't long until Mitsuki noticed. "Hey...there's a big fuckin' bird over there", she said, her voice slurred from whatever she'd shot up. Grape turned to see the bird, his eyes a light shade of yellow behind his pupils.

"It's a squab!" he whispered melodramatically, earning a snicker from Mitsuki. "Come here, birdy. Hey, bird. Bir-dy! Birdy birdy birdy birdy!" As Grape began to mockingly call the bird, he failed to notice the human shape crouched in the window until it entered the room and stood to its feet.

"Here, Grape", Izuku's voice mocked, his shape materializing in the low light of the room, the bare light bulb that hung from the ceiling dangling low against his forehead. Izuku had jumped up to the window and climbed through, his guitar held ready.

"What the fuck?" Grape slowly exclaimed as he saw Izuku - painted face, wet green hair, and Judas Priest's trenchcoat over his black clad body. Next moment, he was rushing toward them and lunging his arm upwards across his guitar-

"Goddammit man, don't do that!" Grape screamed, seeing Izuku wasn't holding a thing in his outstretched hand. "You nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!" Mitsuki chuckled softly at Izuku's appearance, Grape telling her "Don't sweat it."

As Izuku moved away to remove the guitar and hang it on a nearby coat hook, Grape reached for a Sticky ball and pointed it in Izuku's direction. "It's time for you to take your bird and leave, freak-o."

Speaking of the bird, Izuku heard what the mystical creature though as he pulled up a chair and sat backwards in it, leaning against the backrest. "I'd shut your mouth if I were you, pain junkie. I've not asked you a thing...yet."

Track marks and red eyes, kid. He's definitely a junkie though, probably bloody eye.

Grape moved his arm back, ready to throw while a .357 was in his other hand. Eric's response was merely a growing smile and a dangerous game - placing the palm of his hand flat against the barrel. "Take your shot, Grape. You've got me dead-bang."

Grape's eyebrows rose at Izuku's words, amazed at how insane Izuku sounded. "You are seriously fucked up. Did you look in the mirror? You need professional help", he stated in a soft tone...before pulling the trigger and throwing the ball at the wall missing Izuku entirely.

The gun reported with a BANG, and Izuku bolted from the chair holding his wounded hand with a series of painful screams as Grape stood on the bed and cheered. "Yeah! He shoots, he scores!"

The Crow-Izuku Midoriya (Izumomo ver)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt