V: Uraraka

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"Hey, kid, get the hell outta the road!"

You could always turn, Ochako thought in response to the car driver's yell as she glided across the rainy pavement, the wheels of her skateboard clattering. She then stopped and kicked the board up into her hand once she stopped at the front door of Club Death, walking up to it and letting herself in once she saw Mitsuki and Grape sitting at one of the tables, their arms wrapped around each other like octopi tentacles.

Another one of these nights...the thought went into Ochako's head, helping prepare herself for what might happen as she strode up to the table, clearing her throat to get their attention.

They looked over at her, Grape with disdain, and Mitsuki with the best motherly concern she could. It didn't help that she'd downed more than a couple shots. "I told you not to come here", she said, her voice just beginning to slur.

"So I guess you won't be getting home until late, huh Mitsuki?" Grape asked rhetorically, letting a snippy tone get into her voice. At this point, she might as well let it – ever since this  short creep came into her foster mom's life, Ochako had been taking care of herself for the most part, and Mitsuki whenever she had to sleep it off.

"She's busy", Grape stated testily. "Go play with your dolls or somethin', 'kay?"

"I don't have any dolls", Sarah fired back, the attitude she'd displayed earlier growing.

Grape's only response was a dour expression that would've turned threatening were it not for Mitsuki's intervening. "Get some food, huh?" she said, pushing a couple of dollars toward Sarah.
She looked down at them, and then back at Mitsuki. "Someone already bought me dinner – All Might", Sarah responded, weighing down the last two words heavily even as she grabbed the bills and headed over to the bar, hearing Grape's mocking repetition and Mitsuki's giggling, but not letting it faze her.

Ochako heaved herself up onto a barstool, looking over at the tall, dark-haired bartender with a grizzled face but friendly demeanor. Once he spotted Ochako, a smile flashed across his face. At least someone was happy to see her.

"Hey kid, aren't you a bit young to be sitting up here at the bar?" he inquired, his tone light in his somewhat growly voice.

"Oh, ha ha ha. Very funny. That's a riot", Ochako responded in kind, her own smile finally breaking out across her face.

"Everything alright with you and your foster mom, Ochako?" the bartender asked, only half-rhetorically. At this, Sarah shrugged indifferently – she wasn't really thinking of Mitsuki as her mother anymore.

"Not much more that was alright before", Ochako answered. "Cool if I get something to drink?"

"The usual?"

Ochako nodded, pulling out the crumpled dollar bills that Darla had given her, but the bartender pushed them away and said, "Hey, come on, Ochako. It's on the house, you know that." In a few seconds, he was handing her a rather large mug, the drink inside foaming at the top. "One root beer there for ya." Then the bartender looked past Ochako at Mitsuki and Grape, who'd just left their table and gone up the flight of stairs – Grape's room, no doubt.

"I dunno if I can help you much tonight, Ochako. Your mom – technically, she's off right now", the bartender stated, adding in a little nod to convey the meaning of the words.

"Yeah, way off", Ochako agreed, slowly lifting the mug to her lips and taking a swallow. She let herself hang around the bar for a while, taking sips of her root beer now again, and kept on thinking. If only Momo and Izuku were here, she thought...if only they could take care of her again. Like they started doing last year...

The Crow-Izuku Midoriya (Izumomo ver)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें