[🤍] Hastie Lanyon [🤍]

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Y/n paced the floor frantically. Where was he? It was almost 1 in the morning, he was supposed to come home 5 hours ago! Y/n scuttled over to the doorman again. "Are you sure you've received no message from Dr.Lanyon?" The doorman shook his head, and Y/n walked away in defeat.

She slumped down in an armchair, sighing, wondering if Hastie would ever come home. After waiting, Y/n fell asleep, and an hour later, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Y/n whirled around to see her husband there before her, looking exhausted. She gained sudden energy at his arrival and shot up to greet him. "Hastie! Where on Earth have you been?" She tried to sound somewhat angry, but the aching concern overcame it. "My dear," He whispered. His voice was filled with great tiredness. 

"Come, sit down first." Y/n prompted, and guided him towards the armchair she was originally sitting in. Hastie plopped down into it with a sigh. "I'm sorry, my dear, I should've sent a message, but there was a huge influx of patients today, it seems there's been some sort of out outbreak locally among the people..." He explained. "Don't worry, I took all the necessary safety precautions." He added quickly. 

Y/n felt a little relieved to hear that. "Well, it is that season for sickness. Winter is here." She pointed out. Hastie nodded in agreement. "Yes, but I've never seen it this...prominent, before." His gaze shifted away from her and towards the ground. "I-i wasn't very useful on my own so I...I sent for help to the Jekyll estate." 

Y/n mentally gasped. She knew about the hostility between the two doctors after a heated disagreement some years ago. It must've been extremely urgent to send for Henry Jekyll. "There was just so much panic and chaos, I and the other nurses were losing ourselves trying to get everything into order," He paused for a minute rethinking the events, then continued.

"After Henry- Dr.Jekyll, arrived, he saw the state me and the other staff was in. It was utter chaos, Y/n! But he seemed to handle it without stress, he got the patients into a calm state, and began examinations either himself or stationed me to do them. He was like a natural leader, I felt utterly useless, standing around awaiting orders from a doctor who wasn't even from this hospital! That was supposed to be me, keeping the people calm, and doing my job like I'm supposed to do!"

Hastie looked more and more distressed the more he went on.

"But I was helpless, I practically froze on the spot.  I was no different than the panicking, sick patients I was supposed to be attending to! I was supposed to be the one keeping the order- I have never lost myself ever before in this profession, but tonight was...oh, it was so frantic!" Hastie ran a hand through his hair. "I...I didn't feel like the doctor I was supposed to be, Y/n." He glanced at her in defeat.

"Hastie Lanyon, look at me, love." She cupped his face in her hands. "You are a brilliant doctor. Everyone here knows it. There is nothing wrong with being overwhelmed from time to time. Nobody expects you to be able to carry such weights on your shoulders. You're only human, it's okay to act like one. After hearing about your situation, I'm not surprised by the distress you felt, you poor thing." She kissed his forehead.

Hastie mumbled a 'thank you, love.' 

"Of course." She knelt next to him, rubbing his arm in comfort. "That's not the only thing, though..." He said. Y/n tilted her head. "Henry told me...He told me that our differences didn't matter here, and he would be glad to be of service. He said, once the panic had ceased, that he could handle the rest from here, and said I should head home despite my protests. He assured me again and again that it was alright, and I reluctantly came home. He's still there, I assume."

"Hmm. It sounds to me he still does see you as a great friend, Hastie. Maybe, and this is just a thought, you two should maybe have dinner sometime to..."fix" things, hm?" Y/n got up and patted his back, then made her way to the kitchen. "Tea?" She asked before entering.

"Yes, please." He called back, but her suggestion was still on his mind. "Maybe...Maybe I should do just that." 

[BONUS: Jekyll POV]:

The chaos had ceased at last. I would be lying if I said I hadn't panicked a bit myself. But now, the patients were treated, and those that needed a bed got one, and those that needed a prescription got it. I was now finishing washing down my hands in the washroom. I saw Hastie nearby, still trying to gather his thoughts together. After drying, I walked over to my old friend.

"Hastie," I began softly. "You've dealt with what you can, I can take it from here."  "What?! No- I can't just leave you here alone- I've got to-" "Hastie-" I placed my hands on his shoulder, a slight chuckle escaping me. "No. You've done enough. You've helped a lot today, you need to rest. Please, trust me, I can handle it from here." Hasite gave me a look I hadn't seen in years. Reluctance. I watched him leave the hospital, my heart slightly aching. Why did things have to turn out like they did in the past? Why did our friendship have to be shattered by opinions and disagreements? 

I looked as the door shut, my once greatest friend gone out of sight, leaving me wondering if I would ever see him again after this moment.


Hey all! Sorry for a brief disappearance, life gets busy sometimes, however i recently did get my computer repaired and FYI for the past like year when writing these it was all on my phone (I HATE writing on my phone!) But now its fixed, and i love writing on computer, physically typing on a keyboard gives me more confidence than mobile does imo.

i hope this one was enjoyable, I cant say I'm too fond of Lanyon, but i did try to give my own insight on his character. I think he would panic under such stress and see himself as a failure for not being able to be such a well composed doctor that his society views and expects him to be. I honestly was considering making this have multiple parts, such as involving more Henry and Y/n in, if that's something you're interested in?

another thing is: Kate Holiday! I know that recently the new MazM game Hyde and Seek was released, I haven't finished it yet, I plan to however, just as I plan to include her in these from requests and from my own desire of adding her. Shes a very fun character from what I've seen so far, so stay tuned for that. 

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