[💛]Modern! Gabriel Utterson Pt.3[💛]

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(This title is going to get longer, and longer. Also! Heads up, the character, Sarah, from the previous 2 chapters in this is renamed to Sally. I was trying to remember Sally Tucker's name from the game, and I thought it was Sarah since they're both sort of similar. Sorry!)


Where are we heading? Y/n wondered. She pressed her knees together anxiously.  Why did it have to be so awkward around Mr.Utterson? Y/n folded her hands together in her lap, not wanting her anxiousness to show. Utterson was staring out of the window silently with his leg crossed over another. Y/n couldn't help taking a glance. He looked so 'bossy' and professional, he was certainly boss material.

"Something caught your eye, Ms.L/n?" Utterson asked without looking at her. She instantly flushed, turning away quicker than lightning. "N-no, sir." Had he noticed that? Definitely. Y/n turned her mind back to where this potential place was.

The car then came to a stop. "We're here. Let us get a move on." Utterson swiftly exited the vehicle, Y/n scrambling to follow him. She then noticed the building's exterior. It wasn't a building at all, it was a staircase leading way down below the ground. She felt panic rising. This wasn't something bad, was it?

Behind them followed the driver who had been carrying two briefcases, which Y/n assumed was the work they'd be doing for today in whatever this place was. They soon reached a door at the bottom of the staircase, and a man in a black suit was standing there. Y/n saw Mr.Utterson mutter something she couldn't quite hear to him, and he then opened the door. "Come along. Ms. Y/n." He said briefly. She hurried along after him.

They were in a sort of long hallway, the lights soon becoming dimmer and dimmer the farther along you went. Y/n could hear what seemed to be muffled vibrations of music. Another man in a suit lay at the end seeming to guard the door, but instead of giving a code word, he just opened the door for them. There, she was blasted with brisk cold air, the loud sounds of music, people chatting, and the smell of smoke and alcohol. 

Wait....This place is a...a CLUB!? She could hardly believe it, but it was true. He had, in fact, taken her to a club. Was this some sort of joke?

"Sir, I don't think I understand-" Her confusion overcame her nervousness. Mr.Utterson looked at her with suprise in his eyes.

"What's there not to understand? It's a wonderful working environment, you'll see."

He strutted along, using a hand signal for her to follow. It was hard to keep focus with all the noise. How was this a good working environment?

He sat down at an empty table, it almost looked as if it were reserved for him, which it probably was. Y/n sat across from him awkwardly, her work still clutched in her hands. Mr.Utterson casually took out his paperwork and laptop like it was an everyday thing, which it probably was. Everyone around them seemed used to it as well. Y/n never felt more like an outsider before.

He began to type and write away at it, seemingly immune to the sharp scents and vibrations of music. Y/n found it hard to keep focus, her eyes kept darting back and forth from the people towards him in front of her. Mainly it was just him.

"You will grow used to it eventually," Mr.Utterson said suddenly without looking up. "The reason I come here is because of the noise. It helps you focus on the task at hand. It might not seem like it right now, but once you develop being able to block everything out and have steely focus, it becomes easier. It's a core strength to have."

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