[💔] Modern! Henry & Edward [💜]

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(Note: For this, Henry and Edward are separate people, and are not related. For modern One-shots involving the two of them I usually always make them brothers, but for this one, they aren't. Also, like, angst warning. )

[Edward POV]

No, there's no way to change her mind. Her decision is her decision, no matter how much I would beg or plead or cry for her not to. But I can't bare the thought, no, please...Y/n...Please don't do this...

I shook my head. Stop with these thoughts, I need to focus. I pulled out my phone and went to text her. 

E: hey, ik ur busy n all, but could I stop by? i just gotta tell u smth, just real quick, it'll only take a sec

My heart pounded. Part of me couldn't even believe I was actually gonna try to change her mind. Highlight the word try. 

I continued to stare at the text, it still read only "delivered." How long would I have to anxiously wait for a reply? Then, my gaze hardened as it soon turned to "read."

Y/n is typing...

Oh, what is she gonna say? Please let it be yes. I need to do this.

Y/n is typing...

Come on! Say it!

Y/n is typing...

It's gonna be no it's gonna be no.

Y/n: yeah, ofc! srry, you might have to catch us in the street tho, we aren't going far, just to the flower shop to make preparations cuz yk. is that ok?

I quickly typed a reply.

E: yeah that's fine, like I said ill only take a sec

Y/n: okk see you then <33

I felt myself smile at the hearts, then I rushed over to throw on a jacket then practically flew out the front door. She said yes, this was really happening. I walked hastily as I went down the sidewalk and across the street towards where she lived. Luckily it wasn't far, only a few minutes. My legs shook and struggled to keep balance, and I felt my head growing lighter and lighter the closer I got to where she would be. 

My heart pounded out of my chest. I saw her h/c hair flowing slightly at the small breeze there was. She stood there, looking around, then caught my eyes. Her eyes stared into mine, and I saw a smile creep onto her face at my arrival. I smiled too, despite my crippling nervousness.

As I got closer, she approached me with a quick hug, which sent my heart into a spiral. I hope she didn't hear it. Or feel it. Was that even possible?

"Edward, It's great to see you! Sorry this can't be long." She nervously rubbed the back of her neck.

"I-it's great to see you too." I stuttered. "It's okay, I'll only hold you for a minute or two."

This was it. The moment I've both been eager for and dreading for months. Everything in the world seemed to stop as the words began to pour out of my mouth.

"I-I just wanted to tell you something. I wanted to tell you..."

Spit it out, now, Edward! Please, this could be my only chance! I wailed to myself. This really was my only chance, and it would change everything for whatever the future holds. As I stared at Y/n, everything seemed to infiltrate my mind. Every moment we spent together, all the things we did, all the time we saw each other or hung out or anything of the sort. As I looked at her my heart began to ache with the intense emotion of love that I felt for her, I almost wanted to break down and cry, which I might do. My head felt like a balloon, my knees felt like giving out, and the world around seemed to black out as all I could see was her. I was sweating heavily, my stomach was turning inside out and turning itself into knots. The butterflies seemed to have made a whole colony there. I looked at the beautiful face of Y/n, still waiting to hear what I had to say.

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