Character info

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I hope you like it and thanks for reading and enjoy!!!

Character Name: Destiny Christil Iras

Age:11-14 Birthday:July,30 XD Race:Human (duh) has a curse mark :O

Clan:Is a famous clan for having the Larraha-gan (sorry made it up XD) which is just a mixture of Sharigan and Bakugan and there clan was killed by orders of the hidden leaf elders. Since they were hated and feared but, little they know inside that house there was a little hole in the ground. Where the last Iras lived in and trained to avenge her clan( just like Sasuke but she has way more lonely than him).

Relationship: Hated she thinks but when she does mission she changes and always had a thing for Sasuke but stopped when she got to know him.

History: After her clan was killed when the elders figured she survived they sent another to kill her. But,she was saved by Orochimaru which he experimented on her and then was recived the curse mark and after she was put in the cage. She escaped and got back to the village. After she was returned to the village she was igored by everyone pretty much like Naruto. She was called a freak and she becamed mean and didnt talk much. She changed after meeting Team 7 and became nice . But, when Sasuke showed how much hatred he had will Destiny ever seek her Destiny???( I love that pun)

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