The Noise

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"What?" Phil asked, worried that he was doing something wrong. He took his hands away and sat up, looking at Dan.

"I shouldn't have said anything, never mind Phil. It's too soon, I...I...don't think you feel the same way." Dan told him.

Phil was very confused, but he sat back down and put his arms around Dan. "You know Dan, you can tell me, it's okay." Phil said quietly.

Dan wanted to burst out and tell Phil that he absolutely loved him, but he decided not now because it was too soon and he was afraid.

"You know what Phil, why don't we play some piano?"

"Okay," Phil said.

They both sat down at the piano and Dan started playing. Phil almost started crying when Dan started singing. There was so much emotion and love.

When Dan finished the song, he asked Phil if he wanted to try. "Sure, but just so you know I'll probably suck," Phil said softly.

"Of course you won't," Dan said, "I guarantee you'll learn." "If you say so," Phil said, smiling.

Dan stood behind Phil and guided his hands. Phil loved the feel of Dan's soft hands against his.

"See Phil? You're doing great," Dan said. Phil turned around and looked into Dan's brown eyes. It was like he was looking straight into his soul, which made him blush a little.

Phil was trapped in Dan's beautiful eyes. It felt like they were looking at each other for hours.

Dan continued to look into Phil's eyes, but he felt his stomach rumbling. He thought he was alright and nothing would happen.

Then, suddenly, Phil heard a loud noise that knocked him out of his trance.

"Holy fuck," Dan thought. Dan just took a massive fart that smelled of eggs and skunk that nearly knocked Phil down.

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