Chapter 10. An explanation

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Hello again, lovely to see you here! Last time the bots saved your ass from falling down a hole in the ground. Dropping their disguise in the progress. But heatwave is right. Saving your life was more important that a disguise. Enjoy!.
Reader p.o.v

"No. We are Cybertronians from the planet Cybertron" the fire bot said. You sat up while holding your heart. Mouth open as you let the information sink in. "My name is Heatwave and I'm the leader of this team. That over there is Boulder, Chase and Blades" Heatwave explained as you got up. "We landed on earth for a mission" Heatwave said. "And what would that mission be?" You asked. "Helping and protection the humans" chase said. You nodded to that. It was true protecting humans is a full time job. But robot aliens in a rescue team was insane. Star symbols grew in your pupils. This was amazing for you to hear. Of course you didn't freak out like a total fan girl, since you were 'always professional'. But you smiled wide.

"That's very cool to be honest, I was on a way of discovering something but I didn't expected this" you said hands on your hips as you looked at them. "It's so nice to talk to you!" Blades said as he bowed down to shake your hand. "Is it true you are from the army?" Chase asked. "Yes, did chief tell you?" You asked. It would make sense that the team family burns or at least the chief knew about them. It was only logical. "We got accepted in the team by the Chief when we first arrived on earth" chase explained.

"You all fit so well together" you said as you looked back to the situations there had been happening. "Your observation is flawless" chase said. A light blush appeared on your face. But not enough for them to see. "Thank you" you said. "Your outfit is really nice" boulder said joining as he complimented you. "Oh stop it, this? Have you seen yourself. Those colours of paint suit all of you" you said back.

The conversation got stopped by Heatwave stepping up. "Enough chatting. Let's get out this cave. They might need us out there" he said. Your smile faded again. He was straight ahead. A bit hard but you knew he was right. "Don't mind the grumpy bot. He'll be nicer when getting to know you better" blades whispered. You nodded.

After some time walking. You walked next the Boulder as you got reminded you hadn't thanked them for the save. "Oh my apologies I forgot to thank you all for saving me. I'm real thankful you bots dropped the disguise instead of doing nothing. It says a lot about your personality" you said. "No worries" "It's our duty to save lives" "Of course, you are welcome" came from the three. You looked up at heatweave who was walking in the front. He turned his head slightly as he nodded at you.

He was a hard one. You needed to get to know him to understand him. But your thinking got interrupted when a light was at the end of a two way ending. Blades got excited as he ran towards it. "Fresh air" he said happily as the rest got outside the cave. But fresh air? "Wait you don't breathe do you?" You asked. Getting more information of their biologically. "No we do not breathe. But it's an expression Blades likes to make" boulder said.

You turned your head to a small rusty old fire truck that was making it's way over here. Four people seemed to be sitting in it. "Chief" Heatwave said as the human rescue team stepped out. Graham, Chief, Dani and Kade walked up to their partners. Not thinking about your small wound as Dani hugged you. "Ow" you said as you took a step back. "What's wrong?" Dani asked inmidely as she saw your hand resting on your side. "It turned out I burned my side when rescuing that men" you said lifting your shirt a bit up for her to see the palm sized bandage. It wasn't that big but a bigger bandage could never hurt.

"Y/n are you alright?" Chief said placing a hand on your shoulder. You nodded. "I'm good chief. Especially after the bots saved me" you said. "What happened?" Graham asked. This had to be told around a table with something to drink. Because you had quite something to tell. "I'll explain later. Is the fire under control?" You asked. "Even better" Kade said. "We managed to stop te fire" kade proudly said.


Hallajula I updated again. Chapter 10 is done 😌😂 Tell me, did you like it?
Word count 796

Transformers Rescue Bots HeatwaveChaseBoulderBladesXTrainedHumanReader - AlliesWhere stories live. Discover now