Chapter Twenty-Eight

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A few more days passed and I decided to go out more than stay in my room. It was good for the baby, Nana secretly snuck out milk and cookies for me every night I craved them, we were careful not to let my parents know.

As I was walking past my father's office going to my room, I overheard them speaking.

"What if that bastard got her pregnant?" My mother asked.

I heard my father let out a low growl.

"No bastard will be in our bloodline, I will not allow it, I must kill it before it grows if she is, we must call the doctor tomorrow." He said and I heard my mother gasp.

"No, she is still our daughter Juan!"

"But if she bears that bastard's son, I will not allow that to happen!" He shouted back.

I covered my mouth. I slowly walked back and ran to Nina's room.

"What's wrong Arabela?" She approached me while I was shaking with fear and anger.

"Nina... Please help me escape." I told her.

"What?! No! Your parents will surely get angry." She shot back.

"Shhh keep your voice low Nina, I heard father, say he will kill my child if he finds I'm pregnant! They will call the doctor tomorrow Nina! Please, help me!" I begged her, my voice whispered making sure nobody hears us.

"No... Your father said that? How could he?" I saw a flicker of anger run in Nina's eyes.

"I will go with you." Nina immediately said, I wondered what made her change her mind.

"Your father has grown cold and lost his senses Arabela." Nina said in spite and I felt anger in her words, but I wonder what her reason really was.

"Pack light, take your jewelries with you, also just light clothes." She instructed me.

"I want to go back to the highlands Nina." I stated and she stopped moving then turned to face me, fear in her eyes.

"But you killed their leader, your husband. Would they still welcome you?" She asked concerned.

"I don't know but it feels right that I go back there. I will face their punishment after I tell them I am with their former chief's child. They won't hurt me, I promise." I was selfish but it was the only home I knew and if I bear his child, I want him to grow there.

We both hugged and I thanked Nina she would still go with me anywhere I would go.

"We leave after midnight, do you know how to go to your home?" She asked me.

"I don't know how to reach the town nearest to the highlands but If we get there I might be able to recognize. We should stay low, and trade in the nearest town here, I will write a letter to my parents. I have to tell them I went somewhere." I told her.

"Alright, If we leave past midnight, we will reach there by morning if we take it slow, I know a short route, we could take that and hide in the forest."

I nodded then went out her room.

I started packing all my jewelries, we needed to trade them for food or something else that we must use, like tents or weapons for protection.

After packing everything, I felt tired and wanted to sleep. I told Nina to just wake me up because I needed the rest, we have to reach the village by morning, then we camp somewhere near highland territory. I was really thankful that Connor trained me I would put that to good use and I know Nina knows the basics to camping, she is a very smart woman. Sleep then came to me in a while.

A few minutes after midnight...

"Arabela, wake up." A soft voice woke me up. I yawned and sat by the bed, I wanted to sleep more but I wanted to be out in this place for good.

I place my handwritten letter on top of my bed, I told in the letter that I loved my parents both but I wanted to find my place, I wanted to venture out of our town and I told them I brought Nina along. I promised them I would write to them once in a while to let them know I am fine and I promised them I would come back once I found my happiness.

I put on my thickest cloak and a thick bonnet, Nina handed me a scarf and she was carrying with her a small bag and some type of mattress.

"We need something to sleep on when we get tired." She said, then I just nodded.

Slowly, we made our way out of the house. Sneaking stealthily, and we headed on the outskirts of town. I am much grateful today since the moon was full and it was bright that we did not need to light a torch, because it would only attract attention.

It was not that cold unlike the highlands but since it was night time, the temperature dropped lower.

After a few minutes of walking, the town was no longer in sight, we decided to rest for a while.

"What made you leave Nina?" I asked her while she gave me a flask of water while she put out the mat before me then urged me to sit down and rest. 

She sat down beside me after a while, he closed her eyes as if remembering something. 

"Your father is a vile man, Arabela. I have grown with you when you since you were born. He did things..." She choked a little like it was hard for her to tell me this. 

"He took advances of me when I was young Arabela, I had nowhere to go and I just kept this to myself." I heard her sniff.

"He tried to rape you Nina?" I asked.

"He did once, when he was drank. When he was sober, he forgets what he did the past night. I wanted you to got o your happiness, being with him I know he might be thinking of something under his sleeve." She explained and I teared up. I couldn't believe the father I grew up with did horrible things to her. I closed my eyes shut and hugged her.

"Don't worry Nina, we will find your happiness like I did with me in the highlands. I hope you too will like it there." I smiled at her. She just nodded. 

"I hope so too." 

We decided not to rest for too long, it was better if we got there just after dawn when their markets spring to life. 

After what seemed like a hundred years of walking we finally reached the settlement, the sun was already rising and many people were already busy. 

"You have to stay here, give me your jewels, I will buy thicker coat furs and sleeping bags we can use. You have to rest and it would be better if they won't see you." Nina said then hugged me, "There is a river just follow the tree line, and look for the stream, I will meet you there, hopefully you find the surrounding familiar." 

I nodded, "Take care Nina, don't forget cookies please." I added and she smiled.

We hugged then we continued on our own ways. 

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