Chapter 11: Cybernetic company

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Dun dun dun dun dun dun

Genos slowly rebooted to the sound of dull thumping. He tried to open his eyes, but both physical and electric fatigue prevented him from doing much of anything. If he wants to see his surroundings, he'd have to wait for his reboot to fully awake him.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun

This isn't the first time he's been semi-conscious, he still didn't enjoy it, whether he can control it or not. Dr. Kuseno had attempted to get give Genos a kind of vent for his frustrations by showing him how to meditate, but all that thinking time did was help him devise, or theorize what to do next to get stronger or find that damned cyborg.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun

Genos felt some nerves in his face turn on, just enough to purse his lips. The constant thumping wasn't helping the situation either. At least there was silence when he had practiced with the doctor. 

Dun dun dun dun dun dun

Fortunately, Genos wouldn't have to wait much longer for his curiosity to be sated. His eyes slowly fluttered open, just enough to see the inside of his pod and a few dim colors just outside the glass. He tried and failed to move his neck, then attempting, and once again failing, to open his eyelids any larger than they already were. For the moment, he was stuck rotating his optics with a gap smaller than an inch to see through.

Dun dun dun dun dun dun

'Ah, so that's what the thumping is.' Genos thought as his eyes fell upon the periodically vibrating cylinder of metal a few feet away from him. It was painted a dim olive green and was held up on a few small supports. Several lights glowed and dulled in sync with the thumping.

Genos opened his eyes wider and allowed them to scan the machinery in front of him. 'A combustion engine? Out here?' He questioned as to why the thing that kept thumping was all the way out in space. 'Wait, where am I?' He finally realized the bigger picture around him. 

As he got more control of his body, Genos was able to observe the surrounding area better. What he saw didn't answer any of his questions. A dull, green storage unit. Boxes towered near him alongside other loose junk and random miscellaneous items.

Genos felt the mechanical limbs pull off of him and the platform he sat on pushed him forward. Genos felt one last shock flow through his body as he cocked one of his arms back. Genos ran a self-diagnostic whilst testing out some of the servos in his upper body. He heard a few clicks before it seemed that his body had fully recovered from the fight with Sun Spire.

Genos pressed a few buttons and initiated the unlock sequence to allow him to leave his pod and examine the area around him better. Who knows where he is, but he'll never find out by merely sitting in one spot.

Stepping out of the pod, having to catch himself as he warmed up his leg servos. The moment he focused on the sounds around him, he learned that the pod had dampened the sound from the engine. Now that he's exited the pod, he could barely hear himself think. 

Genos quickly found the closest door and left whatever room he was in. The engine room, he'd guess. The one door shut behind him, the sound from the room instantly muting the roaring engine.

Looking around at the olive green interior, he appeared to be at the end of a corridor.  Three doors, two on either side of the corridor and one at the other end. Genos made his way to the left side door.

Standing in front of it, it opened in response to his presence. Splitting in two and one half going to the floor and ceiling of the frame. Peering inside, it seemed to be some kind of bay. The floor looked like stairs, he assumed it would split apart into a ramp. More importantly, he saw a window. Without needing to enter the room, he could see the dark void of space on the other side of the wall.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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