Sneak peak

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(I mainly just want to see if you guys would enjoy this.

A TV in a dark room rings out as the news roll and a reporter talks. As distressed as he is, he is still understandable. "Here we are in city Z! The threat level has updated to dragon! The sky glows an eerie red as swirls roam the sky and monsters fall from them! G-Get down!" The reporter pushed the cameraman out of the way as what looks like a giant rotting corpse in armor gets drilled by Class A rank 10, Stinger drills through the monster. "Get out of here, or help fight the little balloon things!" Stingers tells the reporter and cameraman as he jumps away performing his Quadruple Thrust on more large monsters.

The reporter gets back up with a iron rod and starts guiding the cameraman to the news van to escape. "As you heard from Class A rank 10, Stinger, all heroes are needed! From Class C to Class S, are needed to contain the threat within City Z!" The two news workers get into the van. As the doors close, one can see Mumen Rider, Class C rank 1, perform a justice crash on some low armed walking corpses.

(Sneak peak over)

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