CHAPTER 3: Magic Spell Books

Start from the beginning

"She said that she had left something for me, Kacchan, Amber, and anyone else I consider a friend or I'm close to in her room. She mentioned that it's been in her family for generations. But I don't know what it is. Auntie Mitsuki, you wouldn't happen to know anything would you?" I asked, she shook her head.

"Sorry Izu... But I don't have a clue." She said, I nodded.

Minutes later we arrived at my old apartment. The Bakugo family right behind me. After removing the police tape we walked in. Auntie Mitsuki drew in a sharp breath.

"Is that where..." Auntie Mitsuki asked, I nodded my head not wanting to look at the blood stained floor in the kitchen.

We continue inside. We made it to my mom's bedroom. I opened the door and walked inside. I walked over to her bed. I knocked on the floor.

Thuk, thuk... Thuk, thuk... Thuk, thuk... Knock, Knock!! I smiled. After removing the floorboards I saw a big box with a red symbol on it. It was a eight point star inside a circle. Underneath it was words.

"Kacchan come over here and help me get it out. It's heavy." I said, Kacchan came over and grabbed the other end.

"Up we go." I said, pulling the box out.

"Dame what's in there bricks!?" Kacchan asked, I looked at the words and saw that it was telling something.

"Hey Kacchan there are words on it." I said, I looked at him. He nodded.

"What's it say nerd?" He asked, I looked back at the words.

"To unlock the Midoriya Family's magic. Provide a couple of drops of proof on the star that you are part of the Midoriya legacy." I said, I looked at them.

"What does that mean?" I asked, confused.

"It means that you have to put some of your blood on the star you dame nerd." Kacchan said, I looked at his parents they nodded.

"Okay..." I pulled out my pocket knife Rin gave to me. I then cut my left index finger. I then held over the star.

One drop fell onto it. Then a second drop fell. Then a third and fourth. Then after the fifth drop fell onto it. The star and the words started to glow an emerald green color. When suddenly a voice came from the box.

"Izuku Midoriya has been accepted as the new owner of The Midoriya's Magic. You can use all types of magic. If you want to allow others to use your magic. Just make a blood promise and they will either get one or two or three types of magic." Said a voice of an old man, I opened the box and was surprised to see 15 different color books.

Pink, red, orange, yellow, green, blue-green, blue, indigo, purple, gray, brown, white, black, platinum, gold, silver, and bronze.

"I'll tell you what each color's magic is.

Pink is healing and beauty magic.

Red is blood and body magic.

Orange is fire and smoke magic.

Yellow is lightening and enhancer magic.

Green is wind and air magic.

Blue-Green is earth and animal magic.

Blue is water and ice magic.

Indigo is curses and hexes magic.

Purple is poison and esper magic.

Gray is soul and mind magic.

Brown is wood and plant magic.

White is light and string magic.

Black is dark and shadow magic.

Platinum is weapon and fighting magic.

Gold is lucky and potions magic.

Silver is time and space magic.

Bronze is baking and food magic.

Each of them have multiple different types of spells but most have five main pieces of magic and they are attacking magic, defending magic, enhancing magic, healing magic, and weapon magic.

You must be wondering why. Well you see if one of your friends or someone you consider as family got only one spell book then they will be able to take care or help you, your comrades, or themselves if the need arises.

To activate your spell books just say "Lévono la con" that is all. If you have any questions for me just say "Professor Dumbledore I have a question." And I'll try to answer it to the best of my abilities. Have a good day Mr. Midoriya." There was a moment of silence.

"Well it looks like you finally got a quirk you useless Deku." Kacchan said, I smiled at him.

"Yeah we'll call it Magic... Sooooo Kacchan you want to do a blood promise?" I asked, he looked at me for a second before he let out a Tch.

"Since you asked fine." Kacchan said, I handed him the pocket knife, he took it and made a small cut on his finger.

We then touch fingers. Sealing the promise. "We promise to always have each other's backs no matter what we might face in the coming future." We said together.

"Katsuki Bakugo has been given three types of magic spell books. Please wait for copies." Prof. Dumbledore said, suddenly three books flew into the air.

They were the Fire and Smoke spell book, the Lightening and Enhancer spell book, and the Baking and Food spell books suddenly turned from three to six. They then flew over to Kacchan.

"Copies completed. Please put a drop of your blood on each of your spell books to claim them as your own." Dumbledore said, Kacchan did just as he was instructed to do.

After claiming his books. They disappeared.

"To use your magic just say "Lévono la con" and they'll reappear." The professor said, I smiled at Kacchan. He returned it. I looked at Auntie Mitsuki and Uncle Masaru.

"Would you like to as well?" I asked, they looked at each other than back at me.

"Izuku are you sure?" Uncle Masaru asked, I nodded.

"Of course after all I'll be living with you from now on." I said, giving them a huge smile.

"Well if you insist, Izuku then we won't say no." Auntie Mitsuki said, smiling.

"Hey brat pass me the knife." Auntie said, Kacchan passed the knife to her.

"Thanks brat." She said, we then made a promise to always be a family no matter what.

Auntie Mitsuki got two spell books Baking and Food Magic and Healing and Beauty Magic. But Uncle Masaru got one and that was Light and String Magic. But he was fine with it.

Word Count 1715.

Updated on October 11th, 2022.

Deku The Magic User [MHA x Persona 5 x Magic]Where stories live. Discover now