💜🖤 Painting With The Starchild 💜🖤

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Starchild walked outside wearing a red beret and a paint brush in his hand.

He was looking forward to be spending his spare time painting a picture.

As he began to set up his things, something was heard moving around in the bushes.

Curious as to what it might be, Starchild went over to have a look for himself.

Out of nowhere, I ran out as fast as lightning and stole his paintbrush.


The musician called out.

In the blink of an eye, I jumped out and took Starchild's beret as well.

"Try and catch me if you can"!

I ran away laughing my butt off.

Starchild couldn't believe it.

He had just gotten his things stolen from him.

But he knew that I was only having fun.

"Ready or not, here I come..."

Starchild walked a bit further into the backyard.

He summoned his KISSterian powers to use the eye so he could find me.

I was giggling while hiding in Spaceman's closet.

Starchild used his powers and then, he could tell from his senses that I was nearby.

When he opened the closet, he was surprised to find me not there.

But he did find some confetti.

Which was probably how I had disappeared from my hiding spot.

"Starchild, have you seen my confetti dispenser"?

Catman asked, as he walked in.

Suddenly, he was met with a glitter bomb and when he opened his eyes, he saw Starchild walking away.

Spaceman came with a light green towel and he gave it to the drummer.

"Thanks, buddy..."

Meanwhile, Demon was sitting outside eating some food that he got from KISSWorld.

He was about to take a big bite when all of a sudden, I accidentally ran into the table.

The plates and cups were knocked to the ground.

Demon glared at me and I stopped and began to panic.

But before I could take off running again, Starchild grabbed ahold of me by the shoulder.

He took back his painting brush and his red beret.

"You're in trouble now, missy..."

Starchild glared at me playfully.

Without even thinking about it, I quickly leaned forward and kissed him right on the lips.

The glamorous singer was so surprised that he didn't even see me escape from his grip.

"Wow. That's a great example of young love".

Spaceman laughed at Starchild's flustered facial expression.

Catman came out after he had to a bath to get the glitter off of him.

"Hey guys. What did I miss"?

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