11 ➹ ...comes around

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Room service!" He calls knocking on the door. We step back, waiting a second until the door opens up and greets us with the image of Sage on the other side shirtless and wet, he's got a towel wrapped around his waist covering just below the start of his v line.

Spencer groans, grabbing his laptop and a small white dog as he heads for the doorway. Sage moves just as Mancini turns to both Luca and me. "I've been traumatised." Luca pats the dog on the head, swiftly until Spencer passes by.

We enter the room, and surprisingly Sage's side of the room isn't organised. Which might not make sense when you initially meet Sage because he looks like a catastrophe but doesn't aline with anything else. He's the biggest clean freak I know.

Sage has his art supplies splayed out on his bed, along with his swimming clothes and goggles, some clothes unfolded on his dresser and more random objects. "I booked out the studio at four and try outs for the team start at six," he explains swiftly moving around the room and rummaging through his draws for something to put on.

"You have to book out the art studio?" Luca asks moving some of the items away so he can make a spot for himself on the bed. I stand by the entrance in case the both of them forget we're supposed to meet Caleb in like five minutes.

"Well, no unless you want to be alone." Makes sense, Sage hates people seeing his art when it's unfinished. If we're being honest, I think he's being too hard on himself Sage is the most talented artist I know, It's practically heredity in the Evander's family.

"Oh. Also, what the fuck where you and Spencer arguing about? aren't the two of you like," Luca crosses his fingers and Sage turns around to him as he drops the towel showing off his boxers as he slides on grey sweats.

"Let's just say he got well acquainted with parts of me the sun don't see." Sage says nonchalantly, pulling a sweater over his head.

Luca chokes on air. "What?"

"He walked in on me taking my shower because the door was open. Which makes no sense because the water is running so wouldn't you be able to hear it? Anyway, he walks in, and we make eye contact and I mean...picture the rest yourself."

"Why were you showering with the door open?" I ask, who the fuck showers with the door open?

He turns to me while he crosses the room to his stuff. "Why do you shower with the door closed?"

"Uhm, are you being serious?"

"Does this seem like a joking matter Mr. McAllister?" Sage asks, deepening his voice to sound like some official. I look at Luca who shrugs and helps pack all his stuff.

In five minutes, we've all left Sage's room and head down the spiral stair case to the bottom where some girls are lounging around. One of the girls stares at me with a look that has me stopping in steps.

She grins troublesomely, expectantly and I...I turn away.

🂡 🂡 🂡

"We have arrived father Caleb." Sage announces as we enter his room after dialing in the code he sent to our group chat that opens his dorm. 

"Sage, Atlas, Luca." He lists and If I'm being honest, I expect him to turn around with a bunny or something in his hands with the way he's acting. Probably one of those evil looking white ones with red eyes.

"Caleb." We all say in sync, and this is so awkward for us four that I'm starting to question if he was really being honest.

"You got the call."

"Yeah, I mean other than the execution I think it's a good joke." I offer, watching Sage get comfortable on Caleb's bed and taking something out of the mini fridge. He grabs at some drink that's packaged in French and cocks his head trying to figure it out.

What They've Done To UsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon