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Peyton POV

It was undeniable and inevitable that in a little over and hour Joe would be picking me up to go on our date. I should've cancelled before now, but I didn't have the nerve.

I'm a hypocrite of the highest calibre. I'd told Joe to talk to me rather than hide any of his doubts or worries from me and here I am doing the exact same thing to him.

I couldn't stand him up like he did to me, that was cruel and cowardly. Part of me wishes that Blythe had just kept her damn mouth shut and left me blissfully unaware for at least a little while longer.

I was happy, we were happy, but knowing about Beck had made me doubt if we were ever real to begin with or just some fantasy he concocted so I wouldn't be aware that I was his rebound.

What do I even say to him tonight? Is he going to bring it up himself at some point or am I going to have to force it out of him?

This was playing on my mind so much now this shit is even messing with my dreams. Last night I dreamt of me and Joe together.

We were kissing and touching, but the second I looked over his shoulder and into a mirror behind him, I saw Beck's reflection looking back at me instead of my own.

That was so messed up that I struggled to get back to sleep the whole night.



You've been distant for the past couple of days, but that's understandable. Barely even a text between the two of us, although I can take a guess that you've been busy consoling your best friend and working for most of it.

After the hotel officially opens I know your shifts will be more regular and there will be a lot more time for us.

"Hey, it's me" I let you know when I press the buzzer for your apartment.

"I'll be down in just a second" you reply nervously.

I was nervous too in all honesty. Tonight is the night I let you know how I truly feel so we can take our relationship further.

The second I watch you step out of the elevator in that lavender dress with your hair up in a bun, displaying your natural beauty, you take my breath away.

"Wow" I can't stop myself from smiling when you open the door and come outside.

"Hi, Joe".

"Shall we?" I offer my hand to help you down the steps, but you almost seem hesitant to take it at first.

"Let's" you say with a weak smile.

Even on the drive to the restaurant you're unusually quiet, but I'm going to put it down to the fact that you've been working all week and must be pretty tired.

"This is a nice place. Can we afford to eat here?"

"Don't worry about that, it's on me".


Peyton POV

Once we're seated at our table, I felt calmer and a lot less anxious. He's being so sweet right now and I'm trying my hardest not to ruin this for him when he's gone to all this effort.

Wine seems to be helping.

"So how was your day?"

"Good. How was yours?" I ask to carry on the conversation as our starters arrive.

"Great actually. Guess what today was?"

Now I was suddenly more nervous. Was it his birthday or something?

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