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I've been watching you for days since our first date, Peyton, and quite honestly you look stressed and exhausted. I can't help myself but wonder why?

With your friend Laura giving you a ride home from work almost every day, I haven't quite figured out where you live yet. When I do then I can find out the reason why you always look so tired.

After some slightly flirtatious texts between us last night, you have agreed to meet me for dinner this evening at my favourite restaurant.


Peyton POV

"You look gorgeous, so stop messing with your hair" Laura slaps my hand away.

"What if he turns out to be a complete jerk?"

"Stop being such a pessimist all the time. Just because you've had shitty luck in the past that, doesn't mean Joe is going to be the same".

"I hope you're right".

I really want her to be.

Joe seems sweet, but what if it's all a front and that's how he gets women into bed? I'd dated guys like that before, although I'd never been stupid enough to fall for it.



When I see you walking into the restaurant, you take my breath away. Seeing you in that elegant little black dress is enough to make my mouth water.

Your hair and makeup have been done to perfection, with every man in the restaurant taking a second to gaze at your incomparable beauty.

How had I never taken the time to notice those long legs of yours before? Even more of your warm ivory skin is exposed once you remove your jacket.

"Wow, you look incredible" I can't stop myself from saying it when you reach the table.

"You can thank Laura for letting me borrow one of her dresses".

The scent of your sweet perfume invades the air as I pull out your chair. I will always be the gentleman you deserve.

Once we have ordered our meals, I notice how captivating those blue eyes are as you look across at me, but I hate the distance this table puts between us.

"So tell me something personal, Joe, something not many people know about you".

"I grew up in a home for boys after my mom gave me up".

"I'm so sorry, that must have been tough".

"It was hard, but when I was a teenager Mr Mooney took me in. He's the one who introduced me to books".

"You're lucky to have found someone like him".

You understand.

"So what about you, where does your love of books come from?"

"That's a complicated story".

"I'm all ears".

"My mom left not long after I was born. She didn't want kids, so it was just me and my dad after that".

"He raised you all by himself?"

"Yep. The only thing I had of my mom's was an old copy of Alice in Wonderland from when she was a kid that she'd left behind. I liked to imagine that she left it for me on purpose, but I'm pretty sure she just forgot to pack it".

That's why you were so excited when you saw the first edition. It's your favourite book.

"I originally moved to New York to become a writer. My dad worked his butt off ever since I was little to make sure I could have the best education".

"He sounds like a great dad".

My words seem to hurt you and I can already guess why.

"He was. When becoming a writer and getting my MFA didn't work out, I moved back home until he died just over a year ago".

"Why did you decide to come back?"

"I had to make a choice. Stay in that small town and settle for a boring existence, or move back here and try for the life my dad wanted for me. I found a job I liked and used the money from his life insurance to buy a nice place".

Like? You love books so why would you use that word?

"You don't love working in the library?"

"I do, it's just that working at NYU after I was a student there once kind of makes me feel like a failure sometimes".

"Do you still want to be a writer?"

"I still write sometimes and post it online, but it's not the same as what I'd envisioned when I used to think about the future".

"So why did you leave NYU?"

"I was in over my head. I guess I just wasn't as good a writer as I thought I was".

You're not telling me the whole story, Peyton, but I'm not going to push you. This was progress and we are really opening up.


Peyton POV

Joe really is something else. I've never felt comfortable enough with anyone to tell them about my mom before and he seems to really listening.

The last guy I went on a date with barely spoke a single word the entire time, he just nodded and agreed with everything I said.

After he paid for the meal and we walked outside, he finally talked just to ask me if he was at least getting a blow job seeing as he'd bought my food.

That's the kind of man I was used to, but nothing like Joe Goldberg. How could anyone have ever cheated on a guy this perfect, maybe he's too perfect?

"I'll get you a cab" he kindly offers when we get outside.

"Can we walk for a minute, I need the fresh air? That red wine has gone straight to my head".

"Sure, no problem".

"I just remembered there's a reason why I don't own any of these" I tell him while I slip off the black heels.

"I take it those are Laura's too? Here" he slips off his own shoes and helps me into them, even though they're way too big.

"Oh god, that feels like heaven" I laugh.

He carries my heels for me, while his loose shoes make me sound like a small horse slowly trotting. Even though he's wearing socks, his feet must be freezing.

"I think your act of selfless chivalry may have earned you a third date, Mr Goldberg".

"I'm honoured" he smiles.

"Unless you don't want one?"

"I'd have to be a complete idiot not to want another date with you".

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