Chapter 5

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Unknown: That wasn’t my body.

Unknown: It was the body of a girl who was already dead. She had the same physique as me. It was just the mask, my face’s mask, that made you all believe that it was me.

Unknown: I, however, was wounded. But changed the hospitals when you all were busy crying.

Unknown: The doctors were in it with me, including Alan and other police officers.

Me: How can I trust you? I still can’t believe it’s really you.

Unknown: What should I do to make you believe that it’s me?

Me: What’s the colour of my hair?

Unknown: Black

Me: If I was stranded on a deserted island, what is that One thing I would want to be there me?

Unknown: Your computer, of course

Unknown: without electricity :)

Me: What was the first promise you made to me?

Unknown: To not got to Duskwood.. :(

Unknown: I am sorry but I had to break that.

Me: What was Nymos?

Unknown: It protected me from your pursuers.

Me: Who always made me jealous?

Unknown: Phil ;)

Unknown: so you finally admit he made you jealous?

Me: what else can I ask you?

Unknown: oof! Come on!

Unknown: It really is me!

Unknown: Jake!

Me: Complete this line:

Me: “I know that you love me even if you never confessed.”

Unknown: “But some things can always be felt, even if left unspoken.”

It was her! It really was her.

Me: Oh MC!

Me: You don’t know how much I missed you!

Me: I thought of you everyday, every minute, every second!

Me: I want to meet you!

Me: Please don’t say no!

Me: I know that it’s very risky, but please!

Unknown: Do you think I don't want to meet you? I am just as desperate to meet you as you are to meet me.

Unknown: But Jake, that can’t happen anytime soon.

Unknown: I wasn’t even allowed to contact anyone of you.

Unknown: I told you a very big secret about myself.

Me: It’s sad that we can’t meet but I completely understand that.

Me: But no worries, there will come a day, when it would be just you and me.

Me: And I will be waiting for that day ;)

Unknown: :)

Unknown: Do you know I am already working on a new mission since the last 4 months.

Me: Would you tell me what that mission is :)

Unknown: Finding a wanted hacker.

Unknown: Finding you, Jake.

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