Chapter 1

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Jake's POV:

It was a difficult day. Finally at last, I had managed to trace Hannah and Richy's location with MC's help. Connecting all the dots and reaching to the conclusion was not easy but with her helping me, we did it. MC is really smart, smarter than everyone I know.

I had always believed that I could never fall in love with anyone, no one would love me, trust me or care about me. I never trusted people as all those whom I did, betrayed me in the worst way. But she, she came like an exception.

She brought colours to my black and white life. She brought life to my dying heart. She gave me the hope that everything will be alright one day.

At first, it was really hard for me to trust her. She was so annoying! Texting and talking to people isn't really my thing. So instead of typing and wasting my time to explain everything to that annoying head, I decided to video call her, by using a voice changer of course.

She took a really long time to pick up my call, but when she finally did, I was mesmerized by her heavenly beauty. Those (Eye/Colour) eyes, I could stare into them forever. Her rose red lips, her beautiful long (Hair/Colour) hair. She had a perfect face. She looked so perfect. I had never seen anyone that beautiful before.

"It's not the time to get distracted Jake! You are just talking to her to find Hannah! Who knows what type of soul hides behind that angelic face." I kept saying these words to myself everytime I texted with her. I wasn't able to concentrate on anything properly because her face kept appearing in front of my eyes.
But it didn't take me much longer to realise that not only was she physically beautiful, but her personality too. She was smart, observant, sometimes had a loose temper and.... She became the only person who could make me laugh, who could make me smile. :)

Back to the present time:

The location was from a cabin in the forest. MC, at the time when I found out the location was near the forest doing god knows what! This girl doesn't even try to care about her life! I told her about the location and she insisted going there. I tried to convince her to wait until the others and the police reach there but oh goodness! Why is she so stubborn?! She just switched off her phone and ignored me.

As much as I wanted to go there and help her, I knew that I couldn't as the police officers were heading there too. I told Lilly to inform me about everything that happened there and she agreed.

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