Chapter 3

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That had to be wrong! There is no way this is real! She can’t leave me like that. I had to see it myself! I have to go to that damn hospital! Even if it meant being caught by the police…

I rushed towards her room like a crazy man. I didn’t even care to see Hannah. She must be fine. MC is more important to me. I went there and saw everyone- all of them were inside the room- with gloomy expressions and tears stricken faces. “Hey! Who the hell are you?” Dan asked me in a raspy voice with dried tears on his face.

“Jake.” Was all I managed to say. They all looked up at me. Lilly came crying and hugged me. “I am so sorry Jake!” she sobbed.

I pushed her away and went straight to look at MC. Hoping that this was all just a prank or something. But when I went near her. I saw her- lying there- lifeless. The woman who brought life to my dying world was herself lying on that hospital bed, lifeless. I shook her body, held her hand in mine, but no response. She was... really gone.

My breathing got heavier as tears started rolling down my cheeks like an overflowing dam. My eyes were fixed on her unmoving form, still hoping to just see her open her eyes and look at me. Tell me that she's fine...that she's still here... But she didn't.

They all tried to comfort me, but the only person who could have done that was gone…forever.

I ran out of the hospital and rushed to my motel room…. My mind was clouded... Her dead face kept appearing in front of my eyes... Her limp body.. The cold feel her lifeless hand gave me when I held it..

I wasn't thinking when I took a knife out of a drawer and just as I was about to cut the nerve on my wrist, I remembered MC’s words that she told me when she came to Duskwood even if I warned her not to. -

Don’t worry Jake. Nothing can happen to me as long as you are there. But even if something does happen, promise me to stay strong… promise me to not hurt yourself. I know that you love me even if you never confessed. But some things can always be felt, even if left unspoken.”

I threw the knife away and laid on my bed and cried until I fell asleep. I felt like someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. MC’s face was everywhere in my mind. Once again, I was left all alone in this cruel world. I don’t ever want to see any of their faces again. Including Hannah.

I blamed her for MC’s death. It was just because of her and her alone that MC was no more there with us, with me.

I despised everyone from that group.


It’s already been 6 months since MC left this world. “This cruel world didn’t deserve a person like her anyways. She was just too good to be here in this hell.” I kept saying to myself whenever I missed her, which was practically all the time.

I am still running from one place to the other, hiding like a coward from the government. I don’t know what to do with my life. It is aimless again. Just when I thought that I had found a purpose to live.. Found someone to live for.. She was snatched away from by the unbreakable force of death.

I was sitting on my computer when suddenly my phone started buzzing. It was an incoming call. Someone was calling me… But who? No one ever called me. I just decided to ignore the call but something inside me told me to pick it up even if it could be risky.

I picked up the call:


"Add this number."

That was all the caller said and hung up. It was a female voice. But why did it sound so familiar? Was it- no! How can that be possible. But that really was MC’s voice! Without any further delay I just quickly added that number… I needed answers.

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