one of my happiness, kitchen

Start from the beginning

"Then Mr. Eko, does the number of technicians here need to be increased? If the technicians in Indo as many as 50 technicians have been mobilized by Mr.Drajat. Yesterday I had a discussion with him that 250 drones will be completed within 3 weeks. How about here?" asked Mr. Satya again.

"If here the technicians who are already reliable are the technicians, we bring in from Indo, for the workers here still follow the directions of our technicians. I think, 250 drones are produced in this country, while 250 have been transferred to our company in Indo.whoever produces it quickly, we will prioritize it. That is, if in Indo you can produce 300 or 400 drones for 1 month, and here it is not enough, then the rest to fulfill orders can be completed from Indo, but provided that the drones made here also continue to produce assembly. Even if there are many left, we can open a distributor network here."

"Good idea, alright, 10% of the profit from this project will be used to purchase more components. Mina and I will return to Indo tomorrow night, then Mr. Drajat and I will focus on the production of our next drone and Trash Box project, and Mr. Eko focuses on assembling the drones here, how is it?", ask the boss again.

"I agree sir, I will ask my laboratory assistant to come here to help me".

"OK, the discussion at the meeting is clear, I think it's time for us to move and focus", the boss said.

Meeting activities have been completed.

Mr. Eko returned to the production team, while Mr. Satya continued the online meeting with Mr. Drajat.

I re-arranged the two of them, then prepared logistics for Mr. Eko and the production team while in the country.

At 11 pm, I switched to arranging airline tickets for flights to Indo. The schedule for returning to Indonesia was set 2 days later.

" Groooummmm", I feel hungry.

In the kitchen there are only instant noodles and a few pieces of chicken which are frozen in the refrigerator, it seems to entertain yourself this afternoon is to cook spicy instant noodle soup with meat.

The idea came when I felt lazy to go out to the supermarket to buy groceries.

I prepared myself by wearing casual clothes, then in the kitchen I started cooking by boiling frozen meat, after it was cooked, I blended the meat to make it smoother.

I mix the remaining boiled water with the meat that has been smooth.

The seasoning that I prepared was chopped chili, onion, and lemon juice.

I sauté pieces of chili and onion over low heat, after they are cooked and smell good, I add 2 cups of mineral water, after that I add the boiled water mixed with the beef meat.

I waited a few minutes for the chicken soup to boil. For the taste of the soup, I added 2 small spoons of lemon flavor, salt, pepper, a little sugar, and small pieces of onion leaves. After the beef soup became more cooked and thick because of the finely chopped meat, I turned off the electric stove.

Besides that, I want to eat 2 instant noodles. I boiled the instant noodles with noodle oil seasoning, then I threw away the water used to boil the noodles. I will use the soup I made earlier.

"dred, dreeeeeeed, drieeeeed,".

"OMG, someone is disturbing my rest time", I grumbled when I heard the sound of my cellphone vibrating, which was a sign that someone was calling.

"Hello", greeting me

"Hi Mina, I'm in front of your door, please open the door", answered the boss on the phone

Mina's journey to find true loveWhere stories live. Discover now