Start from the beginning

I turn to my left and notice her talking to that girl from before... Angie I think is her name, she has honey blonde hair and the one thing I know is that she is the leader of the fakes. I remember during freshman year they both had one thing in common... Blake Huntingsworth.

It's always been like this , people like her always had the upper hand meanwhile they call me weird for not liking him. God I hope jade isn't as dumb as this one.

" Yeah his eyes are just so..... beautiful he can have me any day." Angie gushes and turns pink. I snort and immediately regret it.

" Ummmm excuse you what about you then huh? Did you ever hang out with Blake?" Her eyes showed a challenge and a fire that wanted to burn my skin. I rub my arm , apparently I felt it sting. My stomach drops and I feel uneasy. I don't like being challenged not only is it awkward but when this girl is giving you a look that says drop dead and your friend doesn't seem to notice it feels so painful that I can't even look.

What do I do..... How can I stand up for myself?

"Yeah actually.. we have a project to do for English." My voice was strained, I did not want to say that, much less to this bitch.

Her eyes looked like they wanted to bulge right out of her sockets. Apparently.that's not what she expected to hear. Jade is finally paying attention and her jaw is open slightly, her eyes looking at me like I won a Nobel Prize.

This is bad... really bad..

"Your hanging out with Blake!!!!!"

Her voice fills the room and one thing led to another. People started approaching me and asking me questions.

"What is he like?"

"How does he smell?"

" Is he really smart?"

"What's his favorite hobby?"

"What's his favorite color?"

I just wanted it to end, Jade tried to pry them off and give me room but they never stopped and all I notice is Angie's glare piercing me like a knife.

It felt horrible, my entire face was red. Never has this happened to me. No one has taken an interest in me but then when you mention the two magic words and suddenly there your best friends.

Finally lunch was around the corner. I still needed to find him but didn't even bother, hopefully he'll be there and the teacher will tell him. I find Jade at a nearby the middle of the café , She waved at me and I plopped at the table and was greeted by foreign faces. One girl had the same blonde hair as Angie but had an oval shaped face, she kept looking down at her phone. A quirky boy was on her right and tried not to stare directly at any of the girls, his glasses were perched on his nose and his hands shook as I eyed his way.

Jade starts to eat like nothing had to be said, or I didn't need to know these people. Was she embarrassed that I couldn't really talk to people?

I tap her shoulder and scoot extra close so they couldn't snoop on our conversation, " Umm Jade aren't you going to introduce me?" I whisper in her ear. She looks at the two people in front of us then at me. She gives me a confused look and my face is blank.

She doesn't know them?

With the awkward silence back on I just eat my boring sandwich and read my book, only grunts were made or a cough but no one talked which was fine by me. The cafeteria was full of crazy talk and laughter. Some people just stayed quiet by a nearby lunch table. The populars were all gathered at the far middle table, almost close to ours. I feel eyes stare at me but just move the feeling to the back of my mind. I just need to get through this day and go home I don't' want to stress about anything.

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