Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk

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Loki gave you a mischievous grin, wanting to see how far he could go before you cracked, leaning in to whisper, "so you won't say anything... not even if I do this?". With that, Loki pulled you in and onto his lap, holding you hostage by your waist, as he began kissing your lips, then your jaw, down to your neck and collarbone. You slowly tilted your head back, very much into what was happening, breathing faster as he got more aggressive, making you very glad you had a healing factor as you doubted you could hide all the hickeys and bite marks he was leaving behind. You stayed quiet, well sort of, as although you didn't say any actual words you were letting out the occasional moan, gripping Loki's shoulders tight as a result of the contact. You were extra sensitive to being touched, and Loki knew it, enjoying every little sound you made, the way you trembled with every little kiss he pressed to your body and soon he had nearly forgotten his original plan of trying to get you to talk, as he became fixated on ravishing you. 

You began lighting up, with your hair even flowing up and around, which didn't usually happen, not that you noticed, you were much too focused on Loki, or actually, you were losing focus on reality and everything else because of him. You wondered if Loki was going to take you here and now, you had always imagined how your dates and hangouts would end up with you making love but it never happened, not that you would make that kind of a move. You wanted to be more sexually confident and even dominant, you could see the person you wanted to be, but with no experience in the bedroom, you were reluctant to try anything. Over the past month and a bit, you came to the conclusion that you wanted to try, but part of you was still worried you wouldn't enjoy it, or if it was all the excitement of being in your first romantic relationship that made you feel this way. You had never really had the opportunity before, to be intimate with anyone, and now with the possibility, part of you still wasn't sure if you wanted to cross that line, to give in to your growing desires but as your arousal increased, your hesitancy began to crumble. You felt like a contrarian, or was it more like you were at war with yourself? As one moment you would think you weren't ready, the next your mind was of the opposite opinion and the moment after that you would be back to the original thought until you changed your mind again a second later. There were many nights you were certain nothing would happen but you were always prepared, having what you needed just in case, as there was no way you were going to let him knock you up, at least not yet. 

Loki changed positions, forcing you against the mattress, looking down to see that your pupils had dilated, you gazing back at him with red cheeks, biting your lower lip slightly, with your entire body glowing softly, he could easily discern just how into this you seemingly were. Loki placed his hands on either side of your hips, slowly coming closer, the way he was staring made you feel like he was examining you, looking over each contour of your body as if he were deciding which piece of you he was going to devour first. You started getting really nervous, as Loki was mere centimetres from your lips, leaning down further to whisper into your ear, "having you here like this... beneath me... makes today practically perfect... so yes darling, I had a really good day". The God of Mischief suddenly pulled away, giving you a devilish smile, he was only messing with you and you laid there kind of in shock, soon giving him an angry-surprised face before covering your gaping mouth with your hand. You sat up, before slapping him on the arm multiple times, complaining about how much of a tease he was, a terrible, terrible tease, soon getting up from the bed all grumpy and pouty. 

Loki looked at you with a raised brow, about to open his mouth to say something, pausing on his words for a few moments while thinking, before asking, "did you... did you really want to?". Your glare intensifies and you shout, "well not now, you stupid, sexy, jerk... you killed the mood!", you then turn away with a pout, grabbing your bag and walking out of the room grumbling to yourself. "Baby... baby, come back!" Loki called after you, quickly getting up from the bed to follow you out, quickly seizing you from behind, pulling you against him, whispering an apology before asking you to tell him your news, soon pushing your hair aside to trail kisses down your neck and shoulders. "No, I don't want to now..." you frowned, your feelings of embarrassment and gloom clearly showing in your voice, with Loki apologizing again, "I'm sorry baby, please tell me, you were so excited before, I want to hear everything, tell me, please". 

When I Met YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora