Chapter 3

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I gently touched my finger over the snooze button. Don't need to hear that again, now do we. I staggered over to the shower, turning the knob and putting my hand in it waiting for it to get warm. I then stripped and gleefully went in. Now that I have no thinking of Ms. Adams because I have to go back to the station today. My parents have to take me though, I wish I can drive. I'm 16, but I don't have a car. Plus, knowing my parents, they won't think twice before saying no to me driving their sports car.

I turned off the shower and wrapped a blue towel around me.

I made my way to the radio to listen to some tunes, but of course, just like yesterday..this was not my day.

"Jason Mccann, 20 year old bomber, was capturered yesterday in Las Vegas. It seems that he was currently holding 16 year old, Skylar Smith, at gun point and was ready to shoot-

I slapped my hand on the off button, what the fuck! Do they just tell everyone for the whole world to hear?

I decided to plug in my iphone into the dock and let me listen to my own music.

'do you remember we were sitting there by the water?'

'and iIremember that fight 2:30am'

'Iran out crying and you followed me out into the streets..'

I sang along while putting on my clothes. I went into the mirror and straightened my curly hair till it was pin straight. My make up can wait till I get into the car.

As I went downstairs, I was engulfed in a hug by my parents.

"Oh my, Skylar! Why didn't you tell us you were involved with Jason Mccann yesterday, are you okay my baby?" My mom asked worridly.

"Yeah mom, I'm fine, I just have to go to the station again today for questioning." I ensured her.

"Of course honey! We just got a call, Oh! I hope your okay!" My dad questioned.

"Yeah daddy, I am fine."

"Okay, good. Let me make you some breakfast and we are on our way." My dad said while heading to the stove.

"Ok thanks." I called out.

My dad just waved it off. See, it's like they don't remember anything, they were definitely not drunk. No they're not like that, they just forgive and forget. I guess that's how I roll too, but I never forget. What happened is what has happened, and I can't change it. So I'm not going to waste my thoughts on it.


"Hello, Skylar!" Nick greeted me.

"Hey Nick, good to see you!"

I looked around just to see my surroundings while my parents introduced themselves. I looked around and noticed every other door was opened except for one, it seems to have a triangle logo on it.

"Well it looks like your daughter is very lucky, I know Jason, very dangerous and sly."

I froze at his words, just hearing the words made my blood run cold.

"Listen Skylar, I am actually here for questioning your parents, so feel free to wander around anywhere, except for that room." Nick said pointing to the closed door.

I nodded my head and muttered a thanks before I entered a room where a lady was working, she looked like she needed help.

"Hi." I greeted her.

"Oh, hello dear, who are you?" She questioned with a smile of her face, as if she were never frustrated before I encountered her.

"I'm Skylar Smith, I don't know if you've heard of me but I-"

"Oh, I know who you are! That was very brave of you sweetie!" She interrupted, "I'm Cathrine Willows, but please call me Cathy!"

"Ok, Cathy." I said, "Um I couldn't help but to notice you look kind of frustrated there, anything I can help with?"

"Oh, well I suppose. If you can figure it out, that would be great!"

I smiled, "Okay, what is it?"

"Well, you see a teenage girl was murdered by someone throwing huge rocks at her. They tied her up and started bombarding them with her."

I swore I heard my heart crack...

"Wh-why would someone do that?" I heard my voice crack.

"Well", Cathy answered, "She wasn't the nicest girl, she was a bully to everyone. I remember reading her reports, she pulled the meanest pranks on everyone, even made one girl kill herself." She told me sadly.

I swallowed up my sadness, "Well, what are you trying to figure out?"

"The way these knots are tied, it just doesnt make sense." Cathy sighed.

"Hmm..." I stared at it for a few minutes. It was silence and that's all I needed. "I think I got it." I whispered.

"Really? Tell me Sky!"

Wow, I think I'm growing on this nickname.

"Well, it just looks like the knots were tied differently, as if there were two people who did it."

"Skylar! Oh my god, let me go check that in!" Cathy thanked me before running out.

I smiled to myself. I really liked Cathy. I should visit her more often.

I looked around in her room a little more until I felt my eyes rest on keys with the same logo on it as the door had. I took it and began walking down the hall looking for a specific sign, perhaps one out of the ordinary

As I was walking I came upon a door that said 'keep out'. Good enough for me, it stood out.

But this reminded me of the day when I saw the shack...should I go in? Eh, whatever. This is a police station, just say you got lost and abandon the keys.

I went in and saw that there were jail cells. Oh god.

I looked ahead and saw a familiar looking door. Oh right, it was the door that was closed in Nick's office, it even has the same logo on it, so that means this is another way to it! I passed by each cell, with each guy looking at me like I was a piece of meat. I looked down and continued to walk when a guy whilstled at me, I took this oppertunity to ask him.

"You don't want to go in there sweetheart, that's McCann's room." I heard from the cell to my right. I looked over and almost cringed in response. This guy definitely looked like you're high class pedophile.

"I can manage." I said in a strong yet shaky voice.

"Well, I'm always here to keep you company after." He winked at me and gave me the creepiest smile. At that point I didn't care if a clown with a gigantic spider was on the other side of that door, I knew anything was better with that creep.

I quickly unlocked the door and opened it, only to see Jason sitting on the floor with his knees to his chest with his face hard.

He has his own personal cell?

He looked up at me and just stared at me, I started to feel self conscious so I sat down across from him.

Oh, the staring game...I'm the beast at this game. But I could tell, Jason was too.

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