"I could have fell to my DEATH! And it would be your fault."

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Just a little announcement real quick..I'm so sorry for all the announcements😭😭 there's probably more of those than actual chapters- so I'm so sorry😭 but anyways-

Warnings: language
Y/n pov

I went back up to my room and finished my apple while reading some magazine my aunt got me for my birthday. It was cool because it was all about famous baseball players like Ted Williams, Willie Mays, and of course Babe Ruth. It was refreshing to get something I would actually enjoy instead of clothes I would never wear, shoes that didn't even fit me or the same nail polish color for the 4th year in a row. So trust me when I say I was grateful!

I had finished my apple and was on the 27th page of the magazine before I heard something bounce off my window. Assuming it was just a bird again I left it alone. Until another noise came from it, this time though I didn't ignore it and I went to investigate. I unlocked my window and pushed it up. But before I could look down a hand grasped the sill part of the window. Startling me I let out a small scream and stepped back, looking back up I saw the familier boy struggling a bit to get inside. "What the hell Benny! You scared me." "Yeah" He said chuckling, "I can see that. Now Princess be a doll for me and help me in." Rolling my eyes I let out an airy laugh and took his hands in mine and supported him while he figured out how to get inside without us falling back. "That was harder than I thought it would be." He said finally inside my house. "Why didn't you just use the front door?" I asked smiling. "Where's the rush in that?" He responded with his signature smile. The famous smile was contagious and it spread onto my face.

"You have a beautiful smile mi amor."  "Thank you Benny." A blush slowly but surely spread onto my face making me look away instinctively. "Aw is my princess blushing because of me?" He asked teasingly. "Hey don't hide it, I think it's adorable and I'm quite flattered." He said tucking a peice of loose hair behind my ear. Stepping away he went to my vanity picking up a baseball then made his way to my bed laying down on top of it. As he threw the ball up into the air he started talking about why he was here. "So since we don't have a game until later, I figured that that shouldn't be an excuse for me not to see you." He said while catching the ball and throwing it up again repeatedly.

"So let me take you out on a real date. Not a hang out with all the guys, just you and me. What do you think?" He asked. This would be nice for a change..just Benny and I. "And before you say no let me remind you I almost died getting in here so you kinda have to say yes." "Oh please you didn't almost die!" "Y/n love, I could have fell to my DEATH! And it would be your fault." He said making this move 🤷‍♂️ (A/n I didn't know how to describe it sooo). "How would it be MY fault? I didn’t ask you to come here and risk your life." He gasped and put his hand over his heart, "I see how it is...if you don't appreciate me, then I might as well leave!" He said sniffling his nose, getting up headed towards my opened window. Stopping him and turning his body around to face me I said. "Hey no no no don't go I do appreciate you, I'm  honored that the Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez risked his life for me."

His eyes looked into mine and instead of quitting the heartbroken act he goes "You really mean it?" "Yes." "You pinky promise?" He asked raising his pinky up. "Pinky promise!" I said interlocking our pinkies. We dropped our hands and I thought he was done until "You know I still don't quite believe you." "Oh really!" "Yes really!...I think a kiss would change my mind.." "Well have it your way." I said before granting his wish..well our wish really, I put my hands around the back of his neck and held my breath as our lips neared one another. The kiss was soft and passionate and just like the first kiss we shared I felt fireworks erupt around us.

His lips weren't as dry as one would think, since all he does is run while playing. But they were soft, must have been from Carla's 'chapstick is needed for you' lectures, I'm glad he finally listened to her after all these years. Pulling away for oxygen I asked "so where is this date?" He smiled "Oh that's a surprise hermosa." He glanced towards the clock, "and good job on reminding me, we better go." "Wait I should tell my mom." "And ruin the whole purpose of me coming in through the window?" He asked. "You're so-" I said before being rudely interrupted by the Spanish boy. "Handsome?,  Amazing?, aw inspiring?" He asked in hope batting his eyelashes. "No I was actually going for..Stupid." His smile immediately dropped and he put his hands up. "You know what you can take yourself on this date! I don't even have to go!" I silenced him by placing a kiss on his cheek and waved at him from my door and said "I'll see you outside..and try not to die if you're going to exit via my window, I'd be incredibly sad to attend our date by myself."


Here you are my gorgeous angels <3
I love you all so very very much and I hope you all have a wonderful week!

As always-

Love you lots later Losers 💚 -Nat

Word count: 1003 words

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