The Newest Member

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"Why'd you bring him Benny?" Bertram asked

"Cause there's nine of us, and he makes ten." Benny responded still holding my hand despite the teasing earlier

Yeah-yeah decided it would be a great time to but into the conversation "Yeah yeah so would my sister but I didn't bring her!"

"With ten guys we got a whole team Yeah-Yeah!" I said

"No with Elswenger we had a whole team! Eleswenger could catch!" Ham scolded Benny and I

"And throw" Bertram complained

The guys looked at Kenny for help "Come on Benny man, he ain't game." Kenny said caving in "You saw the way he threw!" He added

"Yeah, you already filled up all the empty positions since Elswenger moved to Arizona!" Timmy said

"Right and now I get to rotate nine positions instead of eight!" Benny yelled "I need the practice guys!"

"You're the best on the team!"

"You don't any practice!"

"No you don't."

"You're the best man."

"Come on Benny man, the kid is a L-7 weenie!" Squints said making the the shape with his hands

"Yeah yeah Oscar Mayor even! Foot-long! Dodger dog! A weenie!" Yeah-Yeah yelled

The boys all started laughing at Yeah-yeahs comments about Smalls. I turned around to look at him and he was standing awkwardly visibly upset. Benny turned around too and saw what I had seen.

Benny turned around in anger "What are laughing at Yeah-Yeah? You run like a duck!"

"Okay, okay but I'm-"

"Part of the game right? Now how come he don't get to be? I asked

"Cause he's a geek man." Bertram said

"You gotta big mouth for someone with the name Bertram." I responded

"He can't catch Y/n!" Timmy said

I rolled my eyes "He can learn!"

We all started arguing before Benny started scolding us like little kids,
"Man, base up you blockheads!" Benny yelled

"Smalls you take left center, okay?" Benny asked

"Okay! Um where exactly is that?"

"It's over there man..."

Smalls nodded running off in the wrong direction


"Thats left I said left center."

"Okay, right!"

"Here?" Smalls asked in the right spot

Benny nodded in response

"Come on Benny man he's never gonna catch the ball anyway, let's just play!" Squints complained

"Shut up Squints I'm trying to concentrate!" I yelled

Squints was about ready to fire back but Benny had other ideas.

"Hey! Slim it you two!"

I noticed Squints immediately shut his  mouth the action making me laugh a bit. Benny smiled at the familiar noise, it was like music to his ears.

Yeah-Yeah noticed Smalls punching his glove mimicking Timmy.

"What a jerk." He whispered

"Yeah-Yeah get two!" Benny yelled hitting the ball

Yeah-Yeah caught it and passed it onto Bertram, Bertram throwing it to me, I caught it and threw it to Timmy, Timmy tossing it to Ham.

"Nice!" Ham said

"Good job!" I yelled

"Hey Smalls throw it to second!" Benny screamed


Benny threw the ball up in the air and hit it hard with his bat. The ball soared through the air as I heard the boys say stuff like "He's not gonna catch it Benny." And just like that Smalls fell over with the ball way past him.

"Oh I told you Benny, we told you." Ham said with more delight in his voice than there should have been.

"Come on Benny why'd you do that? Kenny asked

"A square Benny the kids a square!" Squints said laughing

Smalls got the ball but instead of throwing it back he walked right up to Kenny and put the ball in his glove.
"Here, sorry sorry." Smalls said

Kenny looked back at Benny and I with confusion written all over his face. Why were we letting this kid play?

I dropped my glove and retreated back towards Smalls with Benny right behind me.

"You can throw it you know." I said looking at Smalls

"No I can't, I don't know how."

Benny looked at me and back at Smalls with a slight annoyed face.

"Thanks for taking me here, but I think I'd better go."

Benny stopped him "Hey hey, you think too much."

"bet you get straight A's and shit huh?" I teased

"No I got a B once" Smalls said so proudly "actually it was an A minus but it should have been a B."

Benny and I laughed "Man this is baseball you gotta stop thinking!" Benny said

"Yeah" I said "you gotta have fun. I mean if you were having fun back there, you would've caught that ball!"

"You ever have a paper route?" Benny asked

"I helped a guy once."

"Okay well chuck it like you would throw a paper. When your arm gets here just let go."

"It's that easy!" I said smiling reassuringly

"How do I catch it?"

"Just stand there and stick your glove out in the air. I'll take care of it." Benny responded

"About time guys, my clothes are going out of style!" Squints yelled

"They already are Squints!" I said joking

"Shut up!" He said already done with my shit at 9 in the morning

Ham passed the ball to Benny. "Smalls throw it to second!"

"Okay!" He said sticking his glove up in the air hanging on Benny's word

Benny spit on the ball for good luck before throwing it up in the air and with a loud crack. The ball was up flying in the air aiming at Smalls glove. 'Smack' the ball was in Smalls glove!

"Yeah alright!" I yelled

"Told you so man!" Benny said smiling at Ham

Smalls threw the ball to Betram "Alright let's play some ball!"

Kenny received the ball last "Alright, I knew it... all the time."

Hope you guys liked it!

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