Coming Out

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Today was THE day! Today was the 4th of July and that meant Night Game! We get to do one night game once a year and every year is just as special as the first. Plus we get to pass our tradition onto Smalls! But it was only 9 am currently so I had some time to kill. Yesterday we promised we wouldn’t do our regular routine and would just have the night game instead, the reason being we would get so tired we would practically be asleep for the night game. And as much as Benny hates not having a day game he knew it would be better for all of us to rest today. I went downstairs to see my mom already cooking her third dish of the day for the block.

“Mom it’s only 9 in the morning! When did you get up?” “Oh that doesn't matter! I need to have the best dishes there, and the more food the more compliments.” “Yeah all’s fair in food and war…and hey no offense but I don’t think you can beat Carla’s food.” I said. “Well that may be true but Carla told me that this year she’s only making one dish…didn’t tell me what but only one.” “Huh, interesting.” “Yeah, hey go check on your brother will you, he’s been in his room forever now all because of that Jenny! Yup Carla and I knew she was bad news the second we saw her wearing floral with stripes!” I let out a laugh “Yeah I’ll go do that mom.” I was on the 7th step before I heard a loud ‘Thank you’ come from her.

I stopped myself in front of his door and hesitated before placing my knuckles on the wood door. “Thump” well I already knocked once so might as well contine the rhythm. I knocked on his door, softly scared he would be too upset to remain level headed. I didn’t know this Jenny, I had seen her a bit at the store but that was it. I knew she and her family had moved here about the same time Smalls did but that was the only information I had on her. But floral with stripes? I already made up my mind..she was bad news. I didn’t hear anything come from the opposite end so I ventured on and opened the door, closing it behind me. I saw my older brother James bunched up in his blankets which gave him a cocoon like form. This version of my brother was not the James I knew, this Jenny girl must’ve really done a number on him to make him feel this way… “James? Jamieeee?” No response. Jeez this was gonna be tough. “Ya know, floral with stripes? It’s not the best combination.” I said smiling at the blanket ball.

“Okay… Listen you’re gonna go through tons and TONS of girls in your lifetime, and it’s not always gonna be pretty and perfect but it’ll help you decide what you want and what you don’t want in a partner.” “Partner?” He said sitting up, in just one quick motion all his blankets were no longer in their protective cave shape. “How’d you know I was gay?” “Exscuse me?” We both stared at each other with wide eyes. James is gay? I mean I guess he gave off fruity vibes now and then but I just assumed it was his personality- “You’re gay?!” I screamed, then immeditly clasped my hands around my mouth. “PLEASE don’t shout it for the whole world to hear!” “I know I'm sorry!” I sighed “I never realised..I’m sorry for not realizing sooner?” “Why does that sound more like a question and not a statement?” “Well what are you supposed to say to your newly out of the closet brother?” At this we both laughed, finally.

“Hey I support you ya know. I will always be your #1 supporter in everything.” “Thanks Y/n..and you know I support you too.” My eyes went wide. James said “I know you’re-” then did the hand move. (A/N IN CASE YOU DONT KNOW THE HAND MOVE IT’S PRETTY MUCH FLOPPING YOUR HAND DOWN! If anyone would like to explain it better please be my guest.) “I mean I don’t know your label but you’re definitely fruity.” He said laughing. I smiled. The air in this room had definitely changed from when I walked in, it went from depressing to comfortable. "I’m pansexual. And you’re?” “Oh 100% gay.” “Then what’s with Jenny?” “Oh I’m pretty sure she’s a lesbian- but I just used her as a short cover up you know. Nothing too serious but just a short relationship that-” He stopped for a second and started “getting emotional”. “That left me heartbroken!” He said before crying in a fit of fake tears. “Wow you’re good at this!” “Thank you, I've been practicing for about 17 years now.” He said smiling. “Do you plan on coming out soon?” “Oh no! Maybe when I’m out of college.. Like at that level of independence where if I needed too I don’t need to come home.”

“Oh, well mom and dad would always accept you!” “Yeah I know they will but, not everyone will and I just want to be careful especially in this time period. Just in case.” “Yeah just in case. Hey how’d you know I was..fruity?” “Oh I always knew, ever since you popped out of mom!” At this we laughed. “Well you always gave off those vibes but I knew 100%,  when I saw your reaction a few years back when you layed your eyes on Wendy Peffercorn.” I started dying laughing, “There's no way!” ‘Oh yes way! Your eyes almost popped out of your skull I swear! We were sitting at the diner and low and behold Wendy walked in and your eyes were glued to her the whole time!” I laughed upon remembering that specific day. I mean it was Wendy. How could you forget laying eyes on her for the first time? After about another hour we bid goodbye and I went back downstairs for a late breakfast.

“So, how is he?” My mom asked drying her hands off on a pink dish rag. “Oh he’s a bit emotional right now but he’ll get over it you know, it’s just the 5 stages of grief period. And right now we’re at stage 4 depression but you know what comes after depression?” I asked taking a bite of an apple. “Um, good ol sweet revenge?" “Nope! Acceptance. Just wait a bit mom he’ll be better in a blink of an eye! Don’t you worry.” I said before carrying myself back up the stairs.


Heyyy sorry for the long wait you can expect another chapter soon! Sorry if this one is short but remember it’s something!

Anyways thank you so much for reading this and as always

Love you lots later Losers 💚

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