"Can't have you losing that." I chuckled quietly, nudging his ribs with my elbow. "Twelve years of Azkaban? No problem. Can't see me for a few months-"

"End of the world." Sirius said with a small nod. "Exactly."

"You're ridiculous."

"I'm Sirius." He corrected, and I rolled my eyes.

"As fun as this has been, Sirius is right- We do have to go soon, Flower." George said with a small grimace. "We've got a radio show to host- Which, by the way, we would be more-than-pleased to have you on. You'll have to let us know if you locate a radio."

"It'll be one of the first things I do when I get back." I promised, smiling at the idea. That was something to look forward to, at least.

Sirius helped me up from the ground, pulling me to my feet as George killed the fire. It left us in darkness with the sole exception of the light from our wands, all quickly lit.

"We'll disapparate the same place as before- Lily, you have a place to go from here?" Sirius asked, brows furrowed in concern as he looked to me. I nodded once, the port key still tucked away in the pocket of my coat.

"I do." I said. Sirius smiled, a little sad-looking.

"Then this is the part where we say goodbye." He told me, his hand on my shoulder. I moved past it though, closer so I could hug him properly and hiding my face in the fabric of his robe.

"I'll miss you." I mumbled. I could hear Sirius sigh, could feel the way his chest moved and how his arms seemed to squeeze just a little tighter around me.

"I'll miss you too, Flower." He told me, pressing his lips to my forehead. "I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Okay." I said quietly, pulling away to smile at him. He smiled back and let me go.

"I'll head out first." He announced, walking towards a corner of the room. He turned, smiled at me one last time, and I watched him disappear with a sharp crack. I frowned.

"How was he able to apparate-"

"From inside?" Fred asked, and I nodded.

"We've got everything in this place warded, spare for a small circle of place in that corner we use for getting in and out of this place. It's a rather smart idea- The Death Eaters'll never think to look for it." George told me, then sighed. "I suppose I'll go next- C'mere, Flower, I want a hug."

I rolled my eyes but obliged, my arms tight around my friend.

"Be safe, alright?" I said as I stepped back, smiling faintly. "Say hello to Ginny for me, and everyone else."

"Yes ma'am." George promised with a grin, and he gave me a small wave before he too disappeared. And then I was alone with Fred, and he looked at me with a kind of helpless expression and a shrug.

"I don't suppose I might get a hug too, eh?"

I rolled my eyes. "I suppose." I said with a false sigh, and I couldn't help but grin when his arms wrapped around my waist, hugging me tight.

"I've missed you, Fred."

"I guess I've missed you." He sighed as he said it, stepping away. "It gets boring around the house sometimes. Very crowded."

"I don't see how I would make it any less so." I pointed out, and he grinned.

"I suppose you've got me there. You're a smart one, Flower. Nothing gets past you."

I smiled back, a little chagrinned. "So I've been told."

Fred looked a bit amused. "I'm sure." He said, then shook his head. "I should go."

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