Chapter 12

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They were all speechless, "is that why you guys won't sleep with me? Because you are gay?"

Jimin snorted, "Just because I let those two have their way with me doesn't mean I don't thoroughly enjoy women."

"But I've never seen you guys with any women."

"There's not a lot of choices, Sweetheart; everyone here is either married, old enough to be our grandmother, or a patient. If we did anything with a patient, they could take away our licenses and the ability to treat patients."

"Oh," she whispered.

"Yeah, oh." Then he leaned towards her a bit, "If you weren't a patient, I would have already had you spread out in my bed and screaming my name."

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his antics. He was not helping their case at all. Yes, they all wanted her; it was blatantly clear. He pinched her chin and pulled her face to his. "It's the reason we want you to get better so badly. If you aren't our patient, then we could be with you."

"Yoongi," she whispered. Then she started tearing up a bit, "If we get better, then that means Ris and I have to go away."

Joon leaned forward to get her attention, "most alters never truly leave. They may go away for a while if they feel safe enough to leave the main, but they never fully disappear."

"So you don't want us to go away?"

"No, sweetheart, we would gladly spend the rest of our lives with all three of you."

"Then how am I supposed to get better and get out of here?"

It was Yoongi's turn to talk to her; he pulled her back and encased her small hands between his. "Sweetheart, we are working on that. But we need Teenie to come to terms with what happened. Your parents aren't just going to let you leave, so we have to figure out a way around that." He sighed; it wasn't going to be easy. They'd probably have to do something drastic. "But Teenie deserves to be whole."

"You promise we don't have to leave?"

He wrapped his arms around her tightly, "I promise. We weren't lying when we said we loved all of you. As long as Teenie is better, that's all we care about."

"Okay," she whispered.

Jin grinned at all of them, "Krissy, I need you to come here."

She whipped her head around, "why?"

His eyebrow was raised; he was in brat-tamer mode. "You snuck into our house, left, and made Ris deal with the aftermath. Since Ris wants to come out, I need to punish you quickly."


"Yes, Sweetheart. I will spank you 15 times, and you better stay here. You can let Ris take over after." Then he patted his lap and crooked his finger, telling her to get there immediately. She got up and walked to the other side of the table, "get comfy. You are getting 15 and must stay here the entire time."

"I will." Then she bent over Jin's lap, laying across it. 

He spanked her 15 times, and Yoongi could see his face. He was turned on. "Good girl, my Sweetheart." She closed her eyes, and they saw the change come over her. She blinked her eyes, and her bottom lip quivered. " What's wrong, Princess?"

"Jinnie," she cried. "My butt hurts, why does my butt hurt?"

He reached for her, and she crawled into his lap, straddling him. Her face was buried in the crook of his neck. He was rubbing her back, "I'm sorry, Princess. But Krissy ran off yesterday and hid in here, and then when I showed up, she ditched and made you take over. It wasn't fair, so I had to punish her a bit."

"It hurts," she whined. 

He sighed, "I know. I'm sorry she left you to deal with it. But how about this: Why don't you go get your Kitty, and he can get you some ice cream?"

"With sprinkles," she mumbled into his neck. Yoongi saw him slide his eyes closed. He's beyond horny right now.

"Of course, you can have sprinkles; we know how much you love them. Why do you think there's always sprinkles downstairs in the kitchen."

She turned her head to look at Yoongi, "Thank you, Kitty."

He reached out, "Come on, Princess. Jinnie and Bunny need to go do some work really fast."

Her bottom lip poked out, "but I wanted to play with Bunny too."

Jungkook reached over and petted her hair a bit. " We won't be long, Princess, I promise."

"But it's Saturday," she whined. 

He stood up and kissed her forehead, "We'll be quick. By the time you are done with your ice cream, we'll be done."



Yoongi stood up, walked over to her, and picked her up from Jin's lap. "Let's go get your ice cream."

"Okay, Kitty." As soon as he had her on his hip, Jungkook grabbed Jin's hand, and they were off.

He pulled out their favorite ice cream, half-baked. He still giggles about it since she's five right now, and it reminds him of the days when they were young and doing bad things. Yoongi put a few scoops into the bowl and then handed her the sprinkles. They learned long ago that she has to do it herself, no matter which one is in control. Krissy is more particular about ice cream than the others, but Ris is particular about sprinkles. 

If her sprinkles aren't put on correctly, she will not eat the ice cream. Her little tongue was sticking out the corner of her mouth, and she was concentrating so hard on making sure it was perfect. When she stopped, Yoongi smiled at her, "Are you ready to eat it, Princess?"

"Yup, yup." She grabbed her bowl and his hand, "Come on, Kitty." She dragged Yoongi to the table, and of course, she climbed into his lap, wiggled around a bit until she got comfortable, and then dug in. She even made him eat some of it, and since it made her happy, he let her. 

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