"He made no mistakes, until now" he said placing the photos down on the table.

"Are they in these?" She asked leaning over to check.

"Well not really, this is just a side fling, the thing I'm talking about is the Butcher killed a contractor that worked for Monroe, in a building that belongs to Monroe"

"Adele Monroe? That rich jewel smuggler?" She asked.

Tom had to laugh "Yes, the big boss, she sometimes poses for her own adverts? Those billboards against the freeway? A real babe?"

"I know her dammit!" She said with a loud clicking tongue.

"Well, I'm waiting for a go ahead from Jones to take her into an interrogation"

She gave him a wicked smile during her rise from the chair "Give me five minutes, I'll be right back"

"Good luck" Tom said as she left, if she only knew what a colossal a-hole Jones could be.

He scanned the photos of the bathroom again as he waited, then not even five minutes later she stepped in holding a paper up "Tada!" She said.

"You? You convinced him?"

"Call it a woman's touch, let's go" she said grabbing her bag and leaving.

Down in the basement she stopped looking at his car when he opened the door.

"That's your car!?"

"Yes, good ol Vicky... Piece of crap!"

"I'm not getting into that piece if junk! Its a coffin on wheels!" She protested.

"Just get in! It might be in bad shape but everything inside is redone! The suspension, engine, brakes... I only need to repair its handbrake"

"Why did you pause there?" She asked sheepishly.

"Just get in Angela I'm anxious to go see Adele"

She reached out to the handle as if its some sort of grose thing she's being forced to touch, stood wide of the swinging door then climbed in.

"See? Not so bad in here?"

"Next time we take my car"

"Yes madam, as you wish" Tom snickered and set off to the Monroe building.

As they drove Angela took out a packet of gum and started chewing one, she offered him but he kindly denied.

"So, I've looked up your bio recently, I do it to all lead detectives, and, I'm sorry about your girl, Mia was it?"

He nodded.

"It must have been hard...?"

"I don't want to talk about it okay!" He said harshly.

"No need to pop a vein Snyders I just gave my sympathy"

"And you're digging at old wounds, don't bring Mia up in front of me again! Understand!?"

She blankly looked at him, still her jaw moved chewing that gum, she looked away and blew a bubble, but when it popped he grunted at her.

"Why did you even search me up!? Detectives should trust each other right!?"

"I was just curious"

"Well curiosity killed the cat! You nosed yourself into my business at the bar, now you searched up my past just to stab another lump of pain into my chest!"

"You know holding on to bad memories is bad for you, its unhealthy" she bit back.

"That so hey? I never knew my daughter was a bad memory!"

"Her death is!"

Tom felt like he could explode but held it in, regardless of his restraint Angela still heard the creeks of his clenched teeth.

She lifted her chin and slipped out that bullet around her neck, then she rubbed it a few times, Tom saw this.

"This is a memory..." She said and looked at him "It holds a little bit of ash from my late son, Luke"

Tom instantly felt like an idiot.

"He died in a car accident, traveling with his uncle"

"I... I'm sorry" he said.

She slipped the bullet back into its sweet spot then blew another gum bubble, its pop opened her up again.

"There are some crappy guardian angels out there Thomas, either they're lazy, or they just don't give a damn, we pray and hope they keep us and our family safe, but some of them are so pathetic they can't even give you the Heimlich maneuver to save you from choking on some of the crap in this world..." She looked at him with those slanted seductive eyes "I've learned its best not to choke, then at least that useless angel can't disappoint you if you die"

Tom looked at her turn her gaze to the streets again, was she really a psychiatric forensics analyst before? Shooting at guardian angels and chewing gum... She's a little too rough around the edges that's for sure.

He turned into the parking of the large skyscraper that belonged to Monroe, Angela pressed her cheek against the window to look up in order to see its height but snorted funnily "Rich people I tell you, all of them competing over who has the tallest building, its like they're trying to make up for their tiny cocks"

Tom was opening the door but halted when she said that, he looked over his shoulder at her smirk "You go ahead Snyders, I'll stay in the car"

"You sure?"

"Yes, I can't stand heights, its a phobia"

He nodded and climbed out, before he shut the door he leaned over to look at her one last time "I'm sorry"

She returned the nod "Likewise"

She returned the nod "Likewise"

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Author's note

So what do you think Tom will find with Adele?

Stay tuned.

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