"Really? I think I will speak to Ryuuen-kun after this exam. He needs to change his ways."

She is more naive than I'd thought. Ryuuen wouldn't throw his pawns away unless he needs them to spy on other people.

"Yes, Honami-san. He is too vulgar." Itsuki followed Ichinose.

"Well, Ichinose-san. Can I ask you about Class-A's location?" Horikita questioned

"Just after you cut through this area, there's an opening. Turn right and go straight until you see a cave. That's probably where the Class A base camp is. I went there myself to investigate, but I don't know for sure. It's because they're so thoroughly defensive...or rather, secretive." 

I glanced at Horikita. I told her what happened at Class- A  base yesterday. Seems like she's gotten my message

"Uh... I think we should leave now. Come Horikita, Itsuki." 

"Bye, Honami-san." Itsuki said her byes to Ichinose.

"Before I go, Ichinose. I will tell you something, dragons are vicious creatures. They always have the desire to rise above all circumstances." I hinted to her about Ryuuen.

"What do you mean, Ayanokouji-kun?" Ichinose tilted her head in a cute way, placing her hand at her chin.

"Nothing, I just wanted to say it. And, in the end, dragons are just overgrown lizards with wings. No matter how many times you cut its tail or limbs, they will rise. You need to severe its head."

"It's still confusing." I thought she was smart enough to understand my words. But, her mind is subconsciously rejecting Kaneda being a spy.

I'll stop it now.

"I just read it in a book, Ichinose. I'd thought it would be best to convey this quote to everyone."

"O-oh, well then, bye."


After leaving the forest. Horikita clutched my arm and asked me "You believe that Kaneda-kun, and Ibuki-san to be spies?"

Itsuki's eyes widened in realization. To be honest, I'm disappointed with Itsuki now. She didn't even notice the hints.

"It's just a probability. Keep your mouth shut about this matter. Just be cautious around Ibuki." I said. They both nodded their heads.

"Now, let's move to Class-A,"


We saw a cave opening that looked like it cut deep into the mountainside, like a demon's mouth. There were two temporary toilets and one shower room near the entrance. 

"I can't really see the inside from here...

Trying to confirm what was in the cave while keeping our distance was probably next to impossible. Neither Horikita nor I knew anyone in Class A. Itsuki may know though. Even though we intended to sneak around, stay hidden, and gather information, we wouldn't get anywhere. I stepped over them and headed up the road to the cave. 

"W-wait, Kiyotaka-kun." 

"Let's go. I mean, it's Class A, so of course, we're going to be scared. There's nothing we can do about that." 

Horikita, Itsuki, and I both headed toward the base camp. 

"What are you planning? We gain nothing by carelessly exposing ourselves." 

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