In the end, you hop in Chifuyu's bike. He starts driving in an average speed, enough to make your hair fly and dance with the wind. You didn't bother to hold since he isn't fast.

"Am I going too fast?" Chifuyu asks.

"Mmm?" You scooch closer to hear him. He repeats his question. "No, I actually drive faster than you."

"Really? Should I go faster?"

"It's up to you."

Chifuyu fastens his pace, making the breeze cooler. "You can hold me if you want."

You didn't listen to him. The wind gives you a comfortable feeling even though it's cold. It makes you think about Izana. Despite him being a tsundere and acting cold, it is indeed fun and comfy around him. Oh wait, he's a yandere.

After few minutes of traveling, you arrived at your destination. It was quiet all the time and now, the searching begins. Since it is an abduction, you both decided to go where it is quiet and only few people are in.

You look around the places. You never been there and you doubt Izana will be there. Chifuyu leads the way for you, making sure you follow him closely. He monitors you so he can protect you in case you are afraid of the dark or some stray animals or maybe a speeding vehicle.

"Hey, (L/N)-san," Chifuyu calls. "How did you get in Toman?"

Due to the creepy silence, Chifuyu decides to start a conversation with you. This is also a chance for him to get closer to you. You're one of the female members of Toman and he hasn't seen you fight yet. He's curious as well.

"Yumeri forced me," you exaggerated.

Chifuyu chuckles. You flinch because of the sound he made. His voice sent chills to you. "So she's superior?"

"You thought she's not? She's literally the captain. Not me."

"I thought she is the captain because she's Mikey-kun and Baji-san's best friend," Chifuyu explains.

"There's no one superior between us. She treats me like a baby and I treat her like a slave."

Chifuyu looks at you with slightly widen eyes.

"Nah, I was just kidding. We are bestfriends. She dragged me in and I was interested. It was actually us, forcing Mikey to make us part of Toman," you chuckle.

"If Mikey-kun let you become a member, then he must've acknowledged your strength. "

"Yeah. I once fight with Mikey."

"Eh?" Chifuyu halts for a second to walk beside you. Of course, he still looks around if there is any suspicious place. "So you won? Did he let you win?"

"Maybe? Or maybe not? I was minding my own business when Yumeri brought Mikey and Draken to trespass in our home. She said that if I impress Mikey, we will be members of the gang."

"How did you impress him?"

"Mikey asked me to attack him but I didn't. So he charged towards me... and I just dodged him. He crashed on our wall but he was okay. After that, he asked me to punch him but I didn't... so he punched me... and I blocked it. It was all I did. He told me I was interesting."

"Did he punch hard?"

"Yes. It hurt like hell but I didn't show it to him. He looked like a little boy in elementary school and I didn't want to get inferior to him so I didn't reacted."

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