Chapter 15 : Ivy's Story

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"Fine ... I'll do it myself. I will test system," said Ivy. Cindy looked at her worried.

"Ivy! Don't you dare!" Ivy stormed out of the room. She was mad at Cindy but quickly calmed down as she realized she shouldn't try to force Cindy into this. She started walking around the corridor.

'How should I test the system?' she started thinking. She wanted to see how far she could go. Ivy didn't care what will happen. She was already in detention. She had been since the start of the year. She had lost all communication to the outside world but didn't care.

Ivy started walking around the main school building. She passed by classroom by classroom. She soon reached in front Classroom 4. She looked at it. 'This classroom has never been opened.' She looked around and saw no camera at all.

Ivy reached her hand forward towards the doorknob. It was lock. She chuckled. 'Of course. Maybe used as a storeroom.' She heard footsteps and quickly hide at a tight corner next to the classroom. She saw two men dressed in suits with a teacher following them with a key in her hand.

Ivy watched as the teacher opened the classroom door and allowed the two men to enter. The teacher however, stood outside the classroom door quietly like a robot. Ivy stayed in her hiding spot a little longer. The two men soon came out. She tried to hear their conversation.

"What about the two test subjects?" asked the first man.

"There's only two. Maybe a fault in the soundwave. I mean look at all the other test subjects. They're completely under our control," said the second man.

Ivy was able to catch very little from the conversation. Soon, the men left and the teacher locked the door. When the area was clear, Ivy got up. 'Test subjects? Two test subjects? Cindy! What do they mean test subjects?'

She walked towards the door and stared at it. 'This classroom has an answer to my question.' She knew breaking in there and then would be risky. Ivy went back to her room and started planning her break in. She was determined to uncover the meaning.

The time had came. Ivy was writing in her journal. 'This plan may not work. But ...maybe it can spark anyone who wants to take up the case.' She wrote her last words on the book. 'I'm taking a huge risk. This is not going to end well for one side.'

After writing her last words, she kept the journal in her bag she was bringing with. She left her room with her bag and went all the way to Classroom 4. 'No more secrets.'

She stood in front of the classroom. She opened her bag and pulled out a bunch of keys. Ivy had spent a lot of time and effort finding ways to steal any spare keys. She started testing each key in the keyhole. 'Come on! Come on!'

After few failures, she was lucky enough to have opened the door. She made sure no one was watching her. She was taking a huge risk on dong this when everyone is in school. She opened the door carefully and entered.

Ivy closed the door behind her and locked it. She switched on the lights and looked at the classroom. It was well organized. 'Something here must have the answers.' She walked around the room and checked out every single file.

Reading file by file her heart hammered a lot. She couldn't believe what she discovered. 'I must tell Cindy. I must tell everyone!' She was about to steal the files when she heard someone coming closer to the classroom. 'Shit!'

Ivy ran and switched off the lights and tried to hid under a table near the door. She listened carefully as a key was inserted into the keyhole. The door unlocked and the same two men she saw came in. They were silent for a while.

"Someone's been here," said one of the men. Ivy felt scared. She had trashed the place a little. She didn't bother to reorganize the place. "I know you are still here!" Ivy tried not to flinch or move at all. She waited as the men started walking towards the table further at the back.

"I think you are just paranoid," said the other men. "Who will dare break inhere? We must have left it unorganized." Ivy took it as her opportunity to escape. She ran for the door and bolted out. Unfortunately it was late. The teacher who was outside alerted the men.

She ran with all her might. She glanced behind and saw the men chasing her. Ivy looked at her bag and decided to drop it to make herself lighter. Her bag fell on the ground and she started to pick up a faster speed.

Ivy ran and ran. She didn't know where she was going. All she knew was she needed to run fast enough to escape them. Eventually, she found herself running pass Cindy. She felt tiredness trying to take over her.

Her speed slowed down. She stood next to the stairs panting. She couldn't bring herself to run anymore. She was exhausted. She felt two hands gripping her by the shoulder. The men had caught her.

"That was some stun you pulled," said the first man. Cindy stood hidden at the back watching as the entire scene unfolded.

"You can't do this to us!" shouted Ivy. "I know the secrets now! I will expose all of you! Then everyone will be free!" Ivy struggled. She tried her best to escape the men's grip.

"I don't think you will," said the person. They started to drag Ivy. "You wanted to go to Classroom 4 right? Well your wish is granted." Ivy felt herself being dragged away.

She struggled but failed. Ivy soon found herself being dragged back to Classroom 4."You want to expose us huh?" said the same man. She was forced inside and was still struggling. The men forced her on a chair and grabbed a rope to tie her down.

"That was some stun indeed," said the second man. "Too bad ... we can't have you do that again."

Ivy felt her heart hammering more than ever. All she wanted to do was escape and be out of this hell. "You can't do this!"

"Oh but we can," said the man. "What can you do?"

"I'll expose all of you!"

"How? You're tied up." Ivy couldn't help but to start to cry. They were right. There was nothing she could do anymore. She suddenly felt a cold metal on her head. She looked up and was face to face with a gun.

"Unfortunately, we can't allow you to live," said the man. "It's too risky. So ending it should be good. Any last words?"

"Someone will find out! They will expose you! If it isn't me! It will be them in the future!" Ivy shouted. The man holding the gun chuckled before pulling the trigger. A loud bang was heard. Silence filled the room.

Blood was flowing out of Ivy's head. She had died at the hands of the men. The man holding the gun smirked. The other man had went out and came back with Ivy's bag.

"Look what I found," he said. He showed the bag. He pulled out Ivy's journal. "Does she really think anyone else will ever follow in her steps?"

Both men went through the journal. Inside the journal was Ivy's theories about the school and what was happening. The men were happy. They were glad they had eliminated her. All her theories were accurate.

The man who killed Ivy walked over and grabbed a pen. He started to write something on the last page of the journal.

~It's too bad she can't write how she was begging for her life.~

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