Chapter 11 : Missed

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Two days had passed, Luna had been hanging with her friends the entire time. It was 10 in the morning on Thursday. Cindy was scrolling through her and so were the others. Luna laid on the floor with her headphones plugged in to her phone.

'And I'll be gone, gone tonight~ The fire beneath my feet is burning bright~' Luna scrolled through her photos of her family while listening to Story of my Life by One Direction. She missed her family so much. Her parents and her bedroom.

"Hey Luna why so gloomy?" asked Chloe who noticed Luna's sad face. Luna didn't reply. Chloe nudged her a bit. "Luna?"

"Huh?" Luna turned to Chloe. "I just miss my family. My parents. I just wish there was a way I can tell them I'm fine or something."

There was a silent moment before Cindy started talking. "You know ... we might be able to help you with that." Luna face lit up hearing those words. She turned to Cindy. "We can use the libraries computer ..."

Luna face fell. "I tried that before. It didn't work ..."

"Not using our names but Nat's," said Cindy. She stood up and kept her phone in her pocket. She walked over to the door. "You all coming?"

With that the seven of them left and headed for the school's library. Once they reached in front of the doors, they opened it. The door was also not locked. Luna guessed it was so they could borrow the books if needed. She saw a camera which was positioned in front of the library doors.

Luna and the others entered. Cindy closed one of the doors behind her so the camera couldn't see them using the computer at the main desk. Shi Qi sat at the chair at the main desk and switched on the computer.

"Hold on. If we use this computer wouldn't there be a trace?" asked Luna.

"Relax ... we're using it to access the other computers," said Shi Qi. The computer showed its lock screen and asked for a password.

"Ah shit!" cursed Cindy.

"Cindy!" shouted Wendy. "Relax. Natasha knows all the passwords. She just texted me the possible passwords." Wendy scrolled through her phone. "123456789"

"Yes I know how to count," said Shi Qi.

"It's the password!" There was a short pause before Shi Qi typed in the password. Soon the desktop was opened. She clicked a few things and soon the computer screen showed all the computers in the library. "Get ready. Computer 1 will be available."

"Hold on ... we can't use any of our ...," Luna was cut off by Wendy.

"Natasha sent me her id," said Wendy as she showed it to Shi Qi. "We will use the computer under her name." She typed few more things before announcing. "Computer 1 is accessible. Go ahead."

Without a second thought, Luna went to the back where the computers were and went straight for computer 1. She opened the browser and immediately login to her email and other accounts she could use to communicate.

Loading ...Loading ... Her email appeared. She was about to type an email to her mother when she saw her mother online. She quickly clicked on the chat and started typing.


Mom! Mom it's me Luna. Sorry I couldn't contact you and dad. I miss you so much.



Reply please

Luna waited for a reply but was disappointed when her mother was shown to be no longer online. A tear escaped her eyes.

"Luna ... it's okay," said Wendy. "You can't expect your mom to reply you immediately."

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