{Chapter 16}

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As soon as l see my family in the living l turn to face my aunt giving her a quick glare before turning back to a family with a big smile.

'Uh finally you took forever' gray says getting up from the sofa and standing with the rest of the family.

" I didn't take that long " l think

' all right stop it you two we need to get going,also I wanna see what  Evanna did to the penthouse' mother says as she adjusts her purse that's on her shoulder.

' yes let's go' dad says which gets everyone walking towards the elevator including me.

I said my final goodbye to aunt Ellis and left the place l have called home since I was six.
"Oh for goodness sake's why is there so much traffic"

"It's morning rush hour what did you expect"I say and my mother turns and gives me one of those infamous side eyes

I turn away from her gaze and stare out the window to look up at the buildings.l don't know why they showed up this early anyway l would have thought they would have taken more time to get here from California.

It takes us about 30 minutes to get to the apartment building which is much more then enough time for two more arguments and for gray to buy a bagel while in traffic,the most worst part about it all was that he didn't even ask me if I wanted one.

We come to a stop and I immediately put on the baseball hat my mom gave me once I got into the car, Paparazzi is always on my family's trail. It's exhausting to see a least especially when you're the one that has to be kept a secret.
Once we all shuffle out of the car our security team surrounds us,me of course hiding behind my whole family.We walk into the building as the flashing lights of cameras and the yells of paparazzi follow behind us.

Once im in the building I look around me, just to noticed that my whole family has left me behind . For fucks sake's, is it that hard to remember me.

I walk a little further into the building and take off the basketball cap letting my hair flow free .l should probably catch up to them before they leave me behind.

Once l reach the main floor l find my family all spread out looking through the penthouse ,they better like it because the people that owed me worked really hard to make it perfect.

"Was there even enough money in the funds for all of this" my mom says from the kitchen.

"Of course there was" and that's the truth my parents are loaded to the point that it's scary,I'm even surprised my mom even asked that.

While everyone is distracted looking at the other 12 floors in the building l stay in the main enjoying the peace before the storm.Speaking about peace l need to check in with Lora about me working from home for the next few days, I'm just planning to work from home until Gray dose something stupid and my whole family is distracted with him,so then they won't notice if lm gone for a few hours after school.

Most of the time l hate Gray but l must thank him for always being him because he has sure gotten me out of some sticky situations.

After my call with Lora,l go off to the kitchen to grab a snack.I grab a bag of plantain chips and a cup of water when l hear the door to the kitchen open and find my dad.

"Hi honey, hungry huh ,me too" my dad says

"Yea haven't really eaten today"

Dad grabs something to eat and we fall into a comfortable silence,it's usually like this between me and my dad and l must say that's one of the only reasons he's my favorite.

"Hey honey so I've got a question have you ever heard of someone named EV"

Oh shit l never would have thought that my dad would bring this up with me he doesn't even like disclosing what he dose at work with me,but l must say it's thrilling knowing that he's desperate enough to ask me if l know.Well as l told myself l don't care if he finds out he's my dad after all.

"Well actually dad l-"

" Evanna there's someone here to see you"

"What ?"
Who in the world would be here to see me it can't be aunt Charlotte she's still at work.

"Ok I'll be right there,let's finish this conversation later dad" l say getting up from my chair.

I walk over towards the entry way where l see my mom talking to someone by the door.

l recognize him immediately once l lay my eyes on him.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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