{Chapter 8}

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Chapter 8

POV/Evanna Whitlock

Today is Saturday and it's 6:53pm ,l didn't do much all day just worked and watched some movies with my brothers.Wilson kept complaining about how he kept waking up in the middle of the night because of the heat and eventually had to spend night in one the spare rooms.That's a win for me.

There's guests coming over for dinner which means new business partners.My father is vary secretive about his private life which includes us siblings,so him bringing a business partner to the house hasn't happened in a years .The guests should be arriving around 8:00pm so l have to get ready before then.lm not exactly sure who it is but lm hoping that it's not one of my business partners because even though none of the people that work with me know who l am l know who they are,good and bad.Only Lara knows though since she's the one that plans everything for me.

l have to look presentable tonight so l can't go in my usual jeans and t-shirt.l get out of bed and make my way over towards my suitcase, after a while of going through all of my clothes the only thing l can find are jeans and t-shirts.l groan in frustration and close up my suitcase stuffing all of my clothes back inside, l guess that's my fault for not asking Sofia to pack me a dress.Without any other option l walk over towards my closet which hasn't been updated since l was fifteen and open its doors,all of the clothes are pretty innocent for my taste but that is how everyone seems to see me.l look through the few dresses l have and find a nice short dark green dress in the back probably hidden for when l snuck out.l choose that one deciding that it's the only one that l actually like and lay it down on my bed.looking over it one more time l see that it's a little small though l can probably fit in it,l just hope it's not to tight.

I go into the bathroom and undress,starting up the shower l step inside and let the warm comforting water cleanse me.
I got out of the shower and wrapped myself around a nice warm towel.looking around my bathroom l walk over to the mirror and take a good look at myself, with my nice slim appearance and the tattoo on my thigh and the one in between my chest lm surprised by how good look.

I don't get to look at myself in the mirror that often because the only thing that's always running in my mind is work. I know l have good gens but I'm mostly in sweats and a messy updo anyway so nobody actually looks my way.

After a moment or two l finally get out of my haze of thoughts and look away from the mirror.l pull up my towel that's slowly falling off of me and walk out of the bathroom to start getting dressed,l take out a bra and a pair of underwear from my suitcase and put them on.l walk over to my bed pull the short dark green dress over my head and onto my body,l then put on some black heals that l had already packed .The dress is just over my knees and the top isn't that cut off that l need to cover up my tattoo,it's a little tight but not that much that l can't breathe.l go over to my vanity and put my hair into a messy braid then take a book just in case l get bored.

l walk out of my room and head over to the elevator because l don't want to make a entrance looking like a red tomato,I enter the elevator and push the button for the first floor.lm a little nervous really, we haven't had these kinds of businesses partners in a really long time this is considered rare .The elevator doors open and l walk down the corner to get to the main entrance .

When l get there l see Gray talking to a few guys that look around Wilsons age.Next to them there's a girl that looks very familiar , but l can't figure it out since l can only see her back , she's dressed in what seems to be a party dress that's filled with a bunch of gold sequence that reflects off the light .

They don't notice me so l sneak past them to avoid having to make conversation and make my way to the huge dining room doors . l enter the dining room and there's no one there, l was expecting the adults to be here by now but l guess I was wrong .l look down at my dress again making me realize that l will have to wear this in front of my family .

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