During the bath/movie night

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**little note; there's nothing EXTREMELY dirty alright, they're not fucking 💀**

Once they got into the bath, Sanji sat down and felt relaxed.
Zoro sat down behind him, and poured some soap onto Sanji's head.

"What are you doing?" Sanji asked

"Washing your greasy ass hair" Zoro said trying to annoy him.

"My hair isn't greasy." Sanji grunted.
"If it was, the only reason it would be is because you play with it all the time." He added

"Are you calling my hands greasy?" Zoro said, slowly scrubbing the soap in Sanji's hair.

"Yeah, what about it?" Sanji said.
he was also trying to annoy Zoro. Clearly he was better at it. They annoyed each other for fun, it was their way of bonding.

"You know what sucks" Sanji said, leaning back onto Zoro's chest at he continued scrubbing Sanji's hair.

"When everyone gets back, we won't get to do stuff like this." Sanji said, kind of sad.

"So what your saying...,is that you enjoy my company?" Zoro said with a grin

Sanji blushed a little. "..yeah" he replied
Zoro didn't expect that answer. He expected him to get mad and snap at him.

"Well, when they do get back, we can still hang out after dark once everyone's asleep. I'm the one who keeps watch of the ship all night anyways." He said, trying to cheer him up.

"I guess that would be nice." Sanji said

"You can take your bandages off" Zoro said

"You sure? You said to leave them there for a while"

"Eh You'll be fine" Zoro said as Sanji started unwrapping the bandages, there was a burn scar on his hand.
"Jesus how hot was that water??" Zoro said

"Hot enough to the point where it was boiling" Sanji said

"You need to be more careful dumb ass"

"I'm a dumb ass?" Sanji questioned sarcastically.

"Yeah, you are." Zoro replied while scrubbing Sanji's hair, he could tell Sanji enjoyed it.

"You literally get lost on straight paths"

"Oh shut it" Zoro said while pouring water on Sanji's hair to get the soap out. "I never said I wasn't one."
Sanji laughed a little, then they switched places. Sanji was washing Zoro's hair now. Zoro was a little bit taller, so he had him sit down lower.

"After this do you wanna eat dinner and then chill on the couch, maybe watch a movie?" Sanji asked.

"Dinner?? It's only like 2pm, but sure" he replied.

"Well what are we going to do during that time?" Sanji asked

"We could make out again" Zoro said with a smirk, it was sarcastic but Sanji was still blushing.
"SHUT UP STUPID MOSS HEAD" he yelled, pouring water on his head. Zoro laughed.

"Calm down I was joking...unless" his main goal was just to make him mad.

"SHUT UPPP" He said, covering his face. Zoro was laughing historically.

"Its absolutely hilarious." Zoro said, turning around facing Sanji. He moved closer, until he was hovering over him.

"I said don't try anything" Sanji said glaring at him
"Oh c'mon..You're no fun" he said rolling his eyes.

"Someone's desperate." Sanji said, moving closer to is face.
"Go ahead you mossy bastard." Sanji said with a grin.
Zoro smiled, and pulled him into a kiss. He was slow with this one.
Sanji didn't want to admit it, but he likes it when Zoro kisses him.
Zoro put his hand on Sanji's waist, as Sanji put his arms around Zoro's shoulders.
They both pulled away.
Zoro started messing around with Sanji's hair again.

"What is up with you and my hair?" Sanji asked.

"I was just adjusting it!..and it's pretty." Zoro said.
Sanji smiled and put his hand on top of Zoro's hand.

"You're so sweet." Sanji said.
Zoro smiled, stood up, and stepped out. He held out his hand to Sanji.
Sanji grabbed Zoro's hand as he pulled him up, then they grabbed there clothes and changed.

15 minutes later
They were sitting in the "living room" it wasn't really a living room, but it was a room with a couch, a fluffy rug, and a TV. Zoro was leaned against the arm rest of the couch while Sanji was resting in Zoro's shoulder.
Zoro looked at Sanji.
"Can you handle horror movies" he asked

"No not at all I swear I'll probably cry" the cook replied. Zoro laughed

"Why would you cry at a horror movie? You know it's fake right" Zoro said.

"Well yeah of course I know it's fake, I don't like watching gory shit"

"I'm gonna put one on anyways" Zoro said, Sanji shot a look at him.


"Wimp" Zoro said teasing him.

"WHAT- NO IM NOT A WIMP" Sanji yelled.

"Mhm, then watch the movie" Zoro said with a smirk. Sanji gave in, and leaned onto Zoro holding tightly onto his arm.
Actually, Zoro could care less about the movie, he just wanted attention from Sanji. He looked down at the Cook, he couldn't take his eyes off him. He ignored the movie while Sanji had his eyes locked on it.
Zoro had been looking at Sanji for 15 minutes straight, until a scary part of the movie came up.
I won't go into detail, but it made Sanji jump and hide his face into Zoro's arm, making Zoro snap back to reality.
"You ok Cook?" He asked
"No I told you I can't handle these movies" he said in a quiet, muffled voice.

Zoro moved a bit, to where Sanji was hiding in his chest instead of his arm. It was more comfortable that way. Zoro turned the volume of the movie down, and laid there, with Sanji. He stroked Sanji's hair which made Sanji forget about the movie and zone out while Zoro was stroking his fingers through his hair.

This, is what Zoro wanted. He liked this. They sat there until Sanji rested his eyes. He wasn't sleeping though.
"Are you tired cook? It's only about 4pm" Zoro asked

"No, your just- um, comfortable?" Sanji replied. Zoro blushed a bit.

"Yeah? Well the movies over we can get up now" that was a lie, the movie was only half way done. He just turned it off while Sanji was zoned out.

"Nah, I wanna stay here for a bit" He said, wrapping is arms around Zoro.
Zoro continued stroking his hair, without speaking a word.

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