Chapter 6

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I strode inside the charismatic Bellagio and search for room number  26. Once I spot the room, I knock on the door, and it opens with Aaron standing on the other side. He is wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He has his hands in his pants' pocket.

He whistles while gawking at me. "You are sexy." He raises a brow at me and moves to the side, so I can walk in.

He closes the door behind me. The room have one bed, couches, a door which leads to the bathroom, there is a TV, a small bar in the alcove and outside there is a little patio.

I drop my purse on one of the couch and then approach near the bed and sit on it.

"Would you like to drink someone?" Aaron asks as he reaches near the bar.

"Sure." I half smile.

I watch him pouring some kind of alcohol in two glasses, I don't bother asking him what drink it is.

He comes to me and holds out one glass to me. I whisper a thank you to him then have a sip from it. He sits beside of me and sips his drink.

"What do you want to talk about?"

I inhale his strong perfume. "Some people attacked into our mansion this morning." I throw a glance at him just to see how he's going to react at my words, but that doesn't seem to affect him.

"Really?" He looks at me. "Are you okay?" He sounds concern.

"Y...yes. I'm good." I watch him in disbelief. Why is he acting weird and caring if he sent over those people.

"How many people were there?"

"About twenty. I killed one of them."

He grins at me. "Really?" His eyes are tiny. "How?" He sounds exciting.

"With a rifle. I shot him in the forehead and I feel a little guilt about it."

"You shouldn't be guilty those people broke into your house. You should be fierce, and I like you for being who are you. There's nothing to feel guilty about."

"Of course. That's what you'll say, murdering people is your passion, and you don't feel guilty about it."

"I like it when you act dangerous in fact you should be fearless."

"Why?" I look at him.

"If you'll fall for me then you should be like me."

Deep down I already know how dangerous I am. I've witnessed millions of murders since my childhood and today's attack didn't sacred me. It's just that I am afraid of blood and I feel sick of it. That shit smells like rust.

"Our feelings should be mutual." I glance at him then take a sip from my glass.

"Our desires should be mutual, Sweetheart."

He pulls me and places a kiss on my forehead while leaving me frozen. My heart picks an energetic beating rate. His closeness feels like a weakness and happiness to me.

I gaze him with a smiling face. How can this man make me feel so sure about everything. When I am with him, it's just him that I can see.

"I have something for you."

He stands up and walks toward the couches, he brings a bag in which is written Gucci on. He hands it to me.

I open it and peek inside. I grin when I spot a black bikini in it. I take the two piece out.

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