We both looked at Mrs. Williamson, letting her speak. She was smiling at us, good sign right?

"I can't lie and say that I did not see this coming." she laughed. "I'll first start as a friend rather than a boss, You two work so well together and I'm not surprised that you two would like to have a relationship, I say go for it. Their really is nothing stopping you." I tried to keep in a sigh of relief and I saw Rosie noticeably relax. 

"As your boss, I really want to say that this is a bad idea. Dating your coworker is just a bad idea, since you two work together everyday, it could be easy to let it get in the way of your job or even let your job get in the way of your relationship. But I know you're both very smart and know what you are doing, so again, there is nothing stopping you. But I want you both to be careful." She finished. 

Rosie and I looked at each other and smiled.

"Thank you so much Mrs. Williamson, I really think Rosie and I are good together and we clicked from the start so I am positive we'll be okay." I told her. Rosie nodded in agreement.

"I'm hoping you will be. Did you two need anything else?" she asked.

"That's all, thank you so much for talking to us." Rosie spoke up as she got up from her chair and i followed her actions.

"Of course, have a good day you two!" 

I closed her office door in out way out and we made our way to our classrooms. We didn't say anything to each other, we just walked quietly but we both had the biggest grins on our faces. My hand touched hers softly, our pinkies almost intertwining. It happened a few times, each time our smile getting bigger. Once we reached our classrooms, I followed her to her room an waited for her to unlock her door. Once we were in, I took her face in my hands. I wanted to kiss her so bad,  but I went for a forehead kiss instead and then i rested my forehead on hers. Her hands came up to my chest, resting them there lightly as my hands went to her hips. 

"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked, "This Friday?" 

"I'd love to." her cheeks turned a light shade of red, she leaned forward and kissed the side of my mouth, so close yet so far away.


The week went by pretty quickly, nothing really changed for Rosie and I besides a few flirty glances and me whispering sweet nothings in her ear once in a while when we were in the same room. When Friday rolled around, the day seemed to drag on forever, it might've been because I couldn't stop thinking about tonight. I had picked out a nice restaurant downtown, I'm sure she will like it. 

The day was almost end and I was currently going around and making sure the kids where taking everything they needed for the weekend. so many things would get left behind sometimes, from lunchboxes to water bottles. The dismissal bell would be ringing any second now and they were all slowly starting to make their way to the front door. 

"Alright friends, I hope you all have such a great weekend. When we walk outside please make sure you stay in your line." I told them as I walked towards the door to get ready to open it once the bell rang. "I know Ms. Downey is amazing, but please do not get out of line to go say hi to her, you can do it from your spot in line, she will still here you." I told then checking the time on my watch. Once they were all in line, I opened the door slightly, ready to get these kids home. 

"Kaylee, remember you're in parent-pick up today." I reminded the small girl in front of me, she gave me a smile and nodded. Just then, the bell rang and I pushed the door open fully, and held the door open for the kids. I praised them for waiting for me against the wall before we walked again.  It wasn't long before I heard them saying Hi to Rosie and her kids saying Hi to me. I waved at them and kept walking.  Once the kids where were they were supposed to be, Rosie and i started walking back to our classrooms.

"So, I'll pick you up at seven, we'll go have some dinner, then I was thinking we could maybe go to Liz's Coffee shop, and talk someone warm and quiet." I told her. 

"I can't wait, it sounds amazing." She told me. "I'm a little nervous." she giggled, looking down at her feet. I looked at her, confusion written on my face.

"Why's that?" I asked, "We've been out before."

"But this will be different, It's a date, not just us hanging out." She sighed.

"I get that, but I also know we've got nothing to worry about. We've waited so long." I told her.

We reached our classrooms and as always, I followed her into her room. She walked up to her desk and started sorting things out and putting papers away. I helped her by fixing up the room, putting things where they go and when we were done. We left her room and she looked her door and we went into mine and we cleaned. This became our everyday routine and we have surprisingly stuck to it for a few weeks now. Once we were done I sat on my chair and opened up my email. 

"I need to send out a few things to parents but I will see you tonight." I told her as i leaned into her touch. Whenever I sat down at my desk, she would always play with the back of my hair, softly running her hands through it, messing it up just a bit, but I didn't mind it.

"Okay, I'll see you later. Can't wait." I stood up and gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before she walked out of the room.

Tonight was going to be perfect.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2022 ⏰

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