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Hello! It's your lovely author here to clear a few things up before you read!

1. This is NOT inspiration porn! This is not like what Sia did with Music! There are is no intentional mockery or infantilization!❗️This is written by an autistic person who simply likes NCT and likes writing autistic!Mark❗️That's it.

2. This is a lot different than I what I usually write; usually I write random smut (on AO3), autistic idols one-shots, or age regression things. Today, however, I decided to try my hand at romance. This will be kinda tough, considering I'm aromantic. But, I think I can do it! I'm determined!

3. This is a slow burn and there will be eventual smut. If you don't like it, the chapter will have a warning beforehand! :)

4. There are LGBTQ+ characters, as well as neurodivergent characters. If you don't like it, be respectful and don't argue; just leave.

5. This is the very first NCT-focused work I've ever written, so bear with me! I'm new to NCTzens, but I hope I can write a fluffy and enjoyable story for you!

Thank you for reading!
- Max

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