Page 21: Holes In the False Reality:

Start from the beginning

"It even plays a tune." Marco smiled, when Dream opened up the jewelry box, seeing a little wooden girl sitting on a rose. It was so detailed and beautiful. The box played a soft little melody. It was the song from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, "Someday my prince will come." Dream smiled, when she hummed the melody, watching the little girl on the flower spin. 

"I love it. Thank you, Marco." Dream smiled, when she closed the box.

After a few more presents, Gold walked over to Dream, who was eating a piece of cake and some ice cream with Henry. "Are you still accepting gifts, Miss Dream?" Gold asked when Dream smiled at him. For each gift that Dream got, she told the gifter that they did not have to get her anything. But they always insisted. 

Gold reached out a black gift bag with purple tissue paper inside. "It's just a little something for the birthday girl." Gold smiled, when he sat next to Dream, putting the bag in front of the birthday girl. 

Dream opened the bag, taking out the purple tissue paper when she saw a small box inside. Dream took out the box, opening it to find a bracelet made of rope and straw. It had a small golden heart with her name engraved on the small heart.

"It's beautiful. Thank you, Mr. Gold." Dream thanked him when Gold moved to help her put the bracelet around her wrist.

"There's a tell about a piece of jewelry like this... I heard it when I was a young man." Gold said when Dream and Henry looked up at him. "A man once started to make this bracelet as a present for his wife. He hoped that making her a bracelet would remind her of his love. But when she died, loving another man. The man changed the bracelet. He changed it to be a reminder of the man he used to be and a reminder of the man he became. But that man also enchanted the bracelet." Gold continued to say, making Dream and Henry smile as they listened.

"Like magic?" Seven-year-old Henry asked since he loved fairytales and stories.

"Like magic..." Gold smiled at the two. "He enchanted the bracelet so that if it was given to someone special to him that they would find love and happiness. It would lead them to their destiny." Gold smiled, watching Dream look back at the bracelet.

"So, this bracelet is magical?" Dream asked with a slight bit of excitement.

"Well... It was only a tale, dearie," Gold said when Dream and Henry looked at each other. "But if you believe hard enough in something, magic can be found." Gold smiled when Dream kept looking at the beautiful bracelet.

"Thank you, again. It's beautiful... I shall never take it off." Dream smiled at the man, who was feared by the entire town.

"I'm glad you love it, dearie. Happy birthday." Gold smiled, getting up with his cane, while Regina watched the whole interaction by the counter.

*Present Day*

*New York City, New York*

Dream headed to the bathroom, where she leaned herself on the sink, looking at her reflection. What was going on? She wondered to herself. 

"Daniella? Are you okay in there?"

She sighed when she heard Luke's voice on the other side of the door. She had this great life. She was happy. She had a great guy. But something felt like it was missing. She was not completely happy. Dream sighed to herself, when she opened the bathroom door, seeing Luke look at her with concern. "I'm fine." She smiled when they started to walk back to their booth.

"Swan!" Hook said, opening the door to the roof when he saw Emma holding a metal pipe, and she was looking over the building. "What the blazes was that?" He asked, making her turn around to him. 

"A reminder. That I was never safe... What I wanted, what I thought I could have, was not in the cards for the Savior. We leave in the morning." Emma sighed before heading inside, back to her room, without another word to Hook.

"What about Dream?" Hook asked, following her back to her apartment.

"We'll figure it out. But you only brought one bottle of memory potion. So, unless there's another way to break--" Emma went to say, but Hook stopped, making her look at him. "What?" Emma asked him, raising her brow at him.

"There is another way. I just hope it works." Hook said, walking down where the stairs are.

"Hook?" Emma asked, but she sighed waiting to follow him, but she had to go back and pack before Henry got home.

~season 3, episode 12: "New York City Serenade"~

~1317 words~

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