The blood was dry which told Tom this was at least a day or two old, the flies already making themselves at home in the cut wounds. This person slits the throat then cuts away some of the flesh in chunks, many conspeculated that this killer takes the meat and sells it, its that neatly cut off, usually from the thighs or buttocks.

"Who was it?" Tom asked taking out his note book.

"Guy's name was Paul Reece, its funny because he works for Monroe enterprises" Robin said.

Tom frowned at him "And?"

"Monroe just bought this motel about three days ago, now one of the contractors who was supposed to spearhead fixing this place up is dead inside"

Tom rubbed his chin "Sounds personal, or it might be competition" he said but then again the Butcher they already figured works alone, never did they pick up any indication that he was doing it for money.

Robin shrugged "That's your job to figure out, we're just the men in blue who responded here"

Tom took his little camera out and snapped a few pictures for personal reference then looked at the staircase close by.

"Did someone check the top floor?"

"Yes, squeaky clean if you want to call it that" Denzil said.

"I'll be right back" Tom said heading up.

He needed to check only one room, Moe was one of his most trusted informants for a reason, that old man notices oddballs way too easy.

When he pushed the bathroom door open it seemed merely destroyed, but something else made him stop before he left.

He slowly entered, the old tiles were smashed by what seemed to be a large blunt object, in fact, the entire bathroom laid wasted, the bath, toilet, mirror and cupboards, it was almost like someone set a bomb off in here but there was no smoke and fire.

Snapping a few photos of the room he left again.

"Thanks" He said passing Robin and caught the forensics team "Keep me updated, I'll be at my office"

He sat down in his car and looked up 'Monroe' on his laptop, very prestigious and powerful empire selling jewelry, and ran by the all so infamous Adele Monroe.

She was the modern Marilyn to many, as a woman you'd look her from toe up and notice the red high heels first, as a man you'd look into her hazel eyes and spot the bright lipstick, if the smell of her Coco Chanel didn't reach your nostrils first.

But to detective Thomas Snyders she was now a possible suspect, talks among men would always start with her chest or legs, her eyes or her hindquarters, it depended on what part of her they saw first, he on the other hand saw the rose yes, but every rose has thorns and every human should know that.

He started his car and left for the station, glad it wasn't far he wasn't in to mood for long stories, the Butcher never tied links, this was a first.

At the office he came into the room where the many officers sat male and female alike working on the piling up cases, only the lead detectives were allowed their own offices.

"Snyders!" Chief Jones yelled over the cubicles, just the man he was looking for in fact.

"Sir, was about to come see you"

"This is murder number five Snyders! Get your act together!" Jones yelled but a silence that fell in the room made the two men turn to see the many eyes on them, one or two had a smirk on their faces.

"One of you dare say Mambo number five and you're fired! Come on! Who's got the balls!?" Jones yelled making them all continue their work.

"This time it feels different sir, the Butcher either screwed up or was doing someone a favour"

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