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Freddie turned five. They celebrated him with their families. He was getting so big and brought so much joy to their lives even if they knew that they couldn't keep this up. He had started to ask questions and they tried to answer them as honestly as they could without revealing too much because the full truth was way too much for a five-year-old to handle.

Covid was still a part of their everyday life. Louis was still scared but they took every precaution they could to stay safe. It was looking brighter. Vaccinations we're available now and they made sure to get their shots.

Since they couldn't tour they focused on writing new music instead. Louis had an idea about doing a festival, something he always dreamed about. Harry said go for it so he put the plans in motion. In the meantime, Harry landed a contract with Marvel, a chance he couldn't decline.

They were both busy but made sure to always make time for Freddie. It took a lot of planning but they made it work.

Louis went through with his festival, having a glorious time. He felt the high of being on a stage again. He had missed it so much. He saw all the rainbow flags, especially during Only the brave and it made him emotional. He felt the love and support, like they embraced and welcomed him, even though he had denied his relationship with Harry so many times. Not by choice obviously but still.

Harry got cleared to go through with his tour in the States and he was thriving. Even if making movies was fun and challenging this was his true element. He and Louis had promised each other to just go for it so he waved rainbow flags on stage every night and dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween. His management wasn't pleased and made sure Olivia attended a couple of shows but he didn't even look in her direction. He started to fight with his management after that, trying to get out. They were paying hundreds of thousands of pounds in legal fees but it would be worth it if they would get their freedom.

Harry had been feeling under the weather during haft of November. He had done a bunch of covid tests but they were all negative. When he puked first thing in the morning two weeks later it finally clicked.

Louis was watching tv with Freddie after washing his hair. Harry stopped in the doorway just to watch them for a moment. They looked so much alike. He put his hand on his stomach and caressed it. Louis looked up and spotted him and smiled that smile that was meant for him. Harry felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
"There you are. Join us."

Harry took a seat next to Louis. Freddie came crawling into their laps and laid down across them. Harry ran his fingers through his soft hair. Freddie yawned.
"It's getting late. Let's put you in pajamas."

He took care of the evening routine and they both put him to bed and kissed him good night. Harry took Louis' hand and retrieved to the living room. They took a seat.
"I have news." Harry smiled.

Louis gave him his full attention. Harry just smiled and handed him the pregnancy test he took earlier. Louis stared at it and then he looked up with a hopeful smile.
"You're pregnant?"

"According to the test. I have to confirm it with a doctor." Harry said.

"That's amazing!" Louis shouted and pulled him in for a hug, crying and laughing at the same time.

"I'm happy too but Louis? I refuse to go through another babygate. If we're gonna have this baby our fight starts now for real. I don't care if it costs me everything. I'm claiming fatherhood of our son, he deserves so much more, I'm coming out and we're having this baby publically but still private, you know what I mean." Harry said, an aura of defiance around him.

"Look at you mama lion. I'm proud of you. Yes, we're taking the fight. Our kids deserve better, hell, we deserve better." Louis said determent.

Harry made a doctor's appointment the next day and Louis went with him. They got the pregnancy confirmed. Harry was eight weeks pregnant.

They called their lawyers as soon as they came home, telling them to build a case. They were going to court and they were not giving up until they were free.

Just like his first pregnancy, Harry puked like he had been possessed. Being pregnant wasn't easy for him but he wouldn't change it for anything. Being able to give Louis children, their biological children was so incredible that just the thought of it made him cry. He was hormonal and sensitive but so, so happy. But his nipples hurt.

They had invited friends and families to celebrate Freddie's birthday and it was fun until Freddie wondered why there never were any children at his birthday parties? Harry, being a pregnant, emotional wreck burst out crying. Louis took care of his husband, and a slightly frightened son who had no idea why his dad was crying. They promised that there would be children at his next birthday party. Freddie smiled, looking hopeful. He was a chatty young man just like his dad, Louis. He had so many questions, and they once again tried to answer them all. They kept him from the Internet without supervision, not wanting him to come across some video claiming that he wasn't Louis' son.

Since his wonderful husband was turning thirty soon (crazy thought) Harry had planned an evening with their family and friends. If Louis thought that he went overboard on his other birthdays it was nothing like this one. After everything Louis had sacrificed for him and Freddie, the least he could do was to throw him one hell of a party and shower him in gifts.

He managed to surprise him and Louis' birthday was everything he had hoped it would be. They decided to announce that Harry was with child and everyone cheered and congratulated them.

They told their families about their decision to fight their contracts the next day when they celebrated Christmas Eve. They gave them their full support and they all promised to take the witness stand if they needed them to. They thanked them sincerely.

At the end of January Harry was eighteen weeks pregnant. He had gained quite a few pounds this time and he had the baby bump to show for it. They got a call from their lawyers informing them that they were ready to go to court. They had been building this case for years.

They walked inside the courtroom hand in hand with their head held high. Simon glared at them. It was a closed court allowing their lawyers to speak freely about the closeting they were under and the contracts they had signed, sometimes under threat. Everything came up to the surface and they both took the witness stand but they weren't alone. Their families witnessed on their behalf as well, and so did their bandmates, including Zayn.

Both Harry and Louis were emotional when they told the court what the last eleven years of their lives had looked like. They explained everything surrounding Freddie. Harry started to cry when he told the judge that he couldn't even go to the store or the beach with Freddie unless he wanted to get sued for breaching a contract.

Their families and bandmates all said the same thing, how their label and management had done everything they could to prevent them from coming out, and how they had to hide their family of three. Liam, Niall and Zayn gave a full statement of how they had been treated.

A month later they walked out of that courtroom as free men. They had won. The judge ruled in their favor.

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