Chapter 4

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Jennie went to their mansion and all the butlers welcome her and she just reciprocate with slight bow. She directly went towards his appa office and saw him sitting at his swivel chair.

"Good evening dad so what this important matter that you want to discuss with me?" She straightforwardly ask. Her phone vibrate indicate that someone chatted her and when she check the notification it's the bottom group chat. They are ranting their heart out.

"Lisa?" Mr. Kim ask.

"No dad, it's the girls"

"Oh! Please sit first princess" And jennie did and put her phone back to her chanel bag. Mr. Kim sat in the front couch and heave a deep sighed before look at her daughter in the eyes.

"I heard from your mom that you plan to have a baby and announce your marriage with lisa's not the right time jen since the rumors of you and hanbin are still in hot news. A lot are admiring and rooting you both and if you suddenly announced your marriage then this will might affect our company business" He stated.

"So are you asking me to postpone my plan to announce my marriage and have a baby? Is that what you mean appa?" Mr. Kim nod and release a deep breath.

Jennie is the only daughter he have and he always support the young lady in everything she want to do. Talking about having a little jennie running at their mansion made him a happy person, but their business is growing up and he don't want this to suddenly sunk down because of the fake news.

"Unbelievable" Jennie added and roll her eyes to his father but Mr. Kim just play it cool and didn't mind her disrespectful attitude.

It's actually jennie fault. She want to hide her marriage life even there's a lots of people are against with it, this wouldn't be happening now if she just listened and accepted the fact that behind the big responsibility she hugged there will always be problems and she will always in different news for being a successful businesswoman either her life will always in monitor, but as hard headed as she is she still insisted.

"Just this once jennie. I'll promise after the news cool down you can announce your marriage with lisa"

"But don't want to have grandkid? Mom want it and I am too. I'm not getting younger, what if I can't bear a child anymore if I wait more? Definitely lisa would lisa leave" Mr. Kim stood up and massage his temple. He really want to have grandkid especially to her only child but the timing is not in the right time.

"Jennie, I want to have a little you or maybe little lisa but this will affect our business big time. You already did this kind of set up right? So it's easy for you to hide your marital status for awhile"


"Yeah, I'll promise this won't take long, just please avoid being link to him again ok? I know his one of the investor but if he invite you to dinner be with someone or drag your secretary to you so there's no rumors again" Jennie nod.

The conversation continue while on the other hand lisa arrived in the top hideout. She smile after seeing her circle of idiot friends leaning on their own cars.

"Hey! What's up you all dumbass?" Lisa cheerfully greeted. Her friends look in her direction and smile plastered in their lips.

"Yahh!! Lalisa! It's been years" Jisoo said. Like they didn't see each other a few hours ago. Lisa just shook her head and individually give them a brother hug.

"Wow! I miss this kind of bonding. Let's goooo!!!" Jeongyeon excitedly said.

"Let's goooo!!!" The three shouted in unison and went to their operation or maybe their new habit.

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