Part 13: In Love

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Zoey narrates.

This week, in a bid to help Zara make a decision about which college decision she'd like to accept, Aaron and I have agreed to show her around our alma mater, Cal U.

'Ooh, Zara, this spot is exactly where I first met your dad.' I say, leaning in close to Aaron as he holds his arm around my waist and smiles at me.

'At freshman orientation, right?' Zara replies, recalling our story as I nod.

'So you guys met before college like me and Zara?' Nathaniel asks. He also came along with us, much to Aaron's disappointment.

'Yep. Although we didn't date until a couple of years later.' I say.

'Wait, mom, isn't this where dad proposed to you as well?' Zara asks, and I gasp.

'You're right, it is! That was such a surprise.' I say.

'And I'm so glad she said yes.' Aaron adds, kissing my lips.

'They are disgustingly in love. Like, I swear they've always been like this.' Zara says to Nathaniel, as they walk on and I laugh.

'She's right. Aaron Jackson, I am disgustingly in love with you.' I say, beaming.

'Zoey Johnson-Jackson, I am completely and utterly in love with you too.' He replies, as I link my arm with his.

'Mom, dad? Hurry up.' Zara says turning around to see us standing much further away from her.

'Coming!' I reply, as Aaron and I hurry along, laughing.


We arrive at Hawkins hall, where Aaron explains to Zara how he was the resident advisor during his senior year.

'I loved every minute of it. Making a difference and feeling like a part of the community. And I guarantee you'll feel the same here too.' He says.

'I feel like that's what I need. After you took us to where you grew, it made me feel inspired. I want to feel that sense of community and try to make a difference like you did.' Zara says, as Aaron smiles at her proudly.

Zara and Nathaniel wander around, as I turn to face Aaron.

'You inspired so many people. But most of all, you inspired me.' I say, with a wide smile.

'How so?' He asks.

'You inspired me to be confident. To be more aware of the world around me. To chase my dreams.' I reply.

'That's my girl.' He says, holding my hand and intertwining it with his.

'This is great, but NYU has an incredible community there too. Possibly even bigger.' Nathaniel says to Zara, as she ponders and we watch from a distance.

Aaron gasps.

'Zoey, he is not going to influence her decision like that. What the hell?' Aaron says, about to go over to them, as I intercept, holding both of his arms.

'Babe, stop! Aren't we kind of influencing her decision too? By showing her around? Pointing out our good memories?' I say, as he sighs.

'Yeah, but he's just her clingy boyfriend trying to get her to go to the same college as him because he claims he's 'in love' with her.' Aaron says, as I narrow my eyes at him.

'Sorry.' He adds.

'I just don't want her to base one of the biggest decisions of her life on some guy.' He says.

'Look, Aaron, I understand your concern. Trust me, I do. But we have to let her figure this out on her own. She's growing up, and she'll be fine. I think.' I say, stroking his hand.

'I can't stand him.' He says, as I laugh, and we join Zara as she continues to marvel over the stories Aaron and I share with her.


A couple of weeks later, I'm picking out an outfit for an exciting event Aaron is holding at his company later that evening. It's a huge deal, an opportunity for Johnson & Jackson to gain some big time investors.

'What about this red dress?' I ask Aaron, who walks around me, trying to gather his things for work.

'Zoey, you will look beautiful in anything that you wear.' He says.

'Yeah, but I'm not trying to look beautiful. I'm trying to the CEO's wife.' I reply, as he laughs and comes over to me.

'Every time you walk into a room, all eyes turn to look at you. You take everyone's breath away.' He says, kissing my lips, as I try not to smile at the compliment, but can't help it, so I grin widely.

'And if I had it my way, you wouldn't wear anything.' He says, casually, as I shake my head.

'Anyways, I'm going to go now, so I'll see you all this evening?' He says, as I nod.

'Also, is Zara still asleep? It's like 11am already, on a Friday.' He adds, confused.

'I'll check on her. You should go.' I say, gesturing him to leave.

'Okay, love you.' He says, leaving, as I arrange my outfit for later.

After tidying around my room, I hear footsteps.

'Zara, sweetie, are you awake? You never sleep this late.' I say, turning around, shocked when I see her standing by the door.

She grips her arms around herself, mascara stains running down her face, as her eyes look puffy.

'Nathaniel broke up with me.'


Zaaron: Grown-ish, but for real (BOOK 3)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora