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Carson Simon Avila

07:20 PM, Saturday

Lorde Ethan
I did it, dude.
Damn! That was nerve-wracking.

Carson Simon
You did what?

Lorde Ethan
I talked to your cousin yesterday.
I told her that I’m confused with my feelings towards.
And I told her that maybe you’re right, I am starting to feel something to her.
But things are complicated rn so yeah…

Carson Simon
The hell?
You did that?
How about Kira?

Lorde Ethan
We broke up.
She broke up with me.

Carson Simon
What the fuck!

Lorde Ethan
She noticed that I’m spacing out the last weeks when she’s still here.
That I am always on my phone having a second thought of messaging Skye or not.
She noticed all of that.
And she asked me if I like Skye.
I couldn’t answer her that time cuz I, myself is confused too.
That’s why she did that.
She wants me to figure things out.
To know what I feel, and who I really likes.

Carson Simon
And did you already figure it out?

Lorde Ethan
I’m slowly getting there, man.
When I’m with your cousin yesterday, it’s like I’m not the Ethan that you can see on the commercials, on the runways, tv shows, talk shows.
With her I  can be my usual self, the real me.
She made things easier for me.
I tried  a lot of things with her yesterday even though we’re together for a short period of time.
I asked her to have dinner with me in a restaurant, but she refused me.
She said that she wants me to try the things that a normal teenagers do because I missed most of them cuz of my career.
She let me try the street foods, we went to the nearest amusement parks and tried all the rides there.
And we went to the beach, walking side by side watching and enjoying the view in front of us, the calm waves, the rustling sound of the wind, the setting sun, and the colorful sky.
She let me feel the comfort towards the things around me.
She took me back to my usual self.

Carson Simon
Damn man!
I think it’s not just liking her.
I think you’re falling slowly, dude.

Lorde Ethan
I really think I am.
But I am not rushing things between me and Skye.
I just had a breakup and I don’t want to be that man who has setbacks when I am with him.
She deserved the whole me.
Iyong walang kulang.
That’s why I am asking her to wait for me if she can until I can fix myself.
I want to be deserving for her, man.

Carson Simon
Of course you should.
Skye deserves the best!
I hope you can also be patient with her.
Pero naging pasensyoso ka naman talaga, tignan mo hulog na hulog ka na ngayon 😂

Lorde Ethan
Fuck you!

Carson Simon
I’m taken, sorry.
So, what’s your plan now?
You’ll court her?

Lorde Ethan
Not yet.
Sabi ko nga, I need to settle things and fix myself.
She understands it naman.

Carson Simon
Then that’s good.
As long as you’re both happy, I’m with you guys.

Lorde Ethan
Thanks, man.

Carson Simon
Hinatid mo ba siya kagabi?

Lorde Ethan
I met her mom.

Carson Simon
Uh huh.
So, how’s it?

Lorde Ethan
It went well.
She invited me to have my dinner there.
We just talked.

Carson Simon
Her mom is strict when it comes to boys.
Mabuti at hindi ka inintriga.😂

Lorde Ethan
I’m damn nervous that time.

Carson Simon
Ginusto mo ‘yan HAHAHAHAHA
Good luck, man!
Don't hurt my cousin in any ways possible.
I'm trusting you to her 🙂


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